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Jonathan Crane's POV

Y/n left the room, leaving me with many questions. She's always intrigued me since the first time I saw her. I'd love to use the fear gas on her, but I have to play the long game.

"Joker is here, sir." A guard said from outside.

"Come in!" I said back through the door. The two guards then handcuffed him to the chair, then left.

"Hello Joker."

"You know you can call me by my first name, Jerome." He smirked. "Question! Why is Y/n Laurier-Falcone here?"

"Came in with the Riddler to make sure her mental health is okay due to stress from the situation."

"Every other victim doesn't get let in, why is she here. Y'know, I've been looking for a pet, she'd be perfect!"

"She's mine!" I shouted at him before calming back down. "I have plans for her. I'm waiting until I know more of her and for her to trust me more so I can use it on her."

"Ooooh, someone's jealous! Why not use it tonight and keep her here longer?"

"I have a plan. She'll be perfect for it. I just need to get her trust and time. She's fallen for twice a week sessions now." I smiled while thinking of her.

"Can't we have fun with her until then?"

"Nobody touches her. Only I can do stuff with her."

"You're no fun, Johnny boy, but I'll listen to you. So, how's the escape plan coming along?"


"I need to speak with Lydia." I said to the guard as I entered her room. I quickly turned on the light then put on my mask. I then quickly woke her up.

"Hello?" She groaned, rubbing her eyes. "Oh shit!" She yelled before I gassed her. Her screams filled the air as she was terrified in fear. I quickly took off the mask, turned off the light, and left.

"It seems she's not quite in the best state right now. We'll have to send her to level four for solitary confinement." I told the guard before walking down the hall.

"What the hell?" I heard a groan come from a room a few in front of me. It was Y/n. I quickly went over and unlocked her room.

"Miss Laurier, are you alright?" I asked lightly.

"What's that screaming?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.

"I'm not sure. Probably just an inmate got triggered."

"Dr Crane, I'm worried." She said while crawling into a ball. I walked over and sat beside her.

"It'll be okay. I'm sure someone's just having an episode." I said to her, and she nodded. "Let's just try and go back to sleep, hm?" I suggested, and she nodded. I stood up, and she slowly came out of the ball and lay on the bed, pulling the blanket over her. "See you tomorrow, alright?" I said, patting the blanket.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." She whispered lightly.

My plan is falling into place. Soon, nobody will be able to stop me. Not even the bat.


Y/N's Pov

I hardly got any sleep last night. Screaming filled the air for an hour before being taken down the hall. Or at least it felt like an hour. It was probably scarecrow. Like everyone has told me about, and he'll probably come for me next. Jonathan visited last night trying to calm me down.

The nurse came in and did my vitals and gave me my food like the day before. Once it was time I left and went to the rec room. I hope I see Lydia.

Lydia's room is closer to the rec room than mine, so she should be here. I quickly walked in and didn't see her, so I went back to the hall and checked through the glass of her room. Still not here. I then made my way to the rec room and to one of the social workers.

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