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"Are you okay Miss Laurier?" A policeman asked while another was untying me.

"Yes, I think."

"Let's send her to Arkham on a 24 hour watch to make sure she's alright. We will send her in a different vehicle to Nygma." Harvey Bullock said.

"My name is Edward Nashton!" The Riddler said annoyed.

"Well you're an enigma so you're now Edward Nygma." Harvey said motioning for them to take him away. "Can't believe one of our police men were behind this. He's forensics but still."

"He's always been off." One of the police men joked.

"Miss Laurier what happened, do you remember?" Harvey asked me while holding a notebook.

I told the whole story from the start. Leaving no bits, while besides the kiss, I won't tell him about that.

They drove behind the truck that held Edward to the Asylum. Once we got there we were walked inside. The riddler had cuffs on, I did not though. Dr Crane was waiting for us in the entrance of the Asylum.

"Hello Officers, Edward Nygma, Y/n Laurier. Wait! Why is Y/n here?"

"We thought she could be a bit shaken up, decided to send here here on a 24 hour stay." The police man said who was beside me.

"You do realize mandatory stays have to be at least 72 hours. But I do agree she should stay here. Miss Laurier you'll have to sign this form." Dr Crane said smirking while handing me the form.

"How do you two know eachother?" The Riddler asked with a hint of jealousy in his tone.

"Miss Laurier is my patient. She gets therapy here." Dr Crane smirked. "Okay, I'll get the Guards to bring you along. First you both need your clothes."

We walked down a few halls, went up an elevator and down the hall to the right.

"Since you're on 72 hour stay you get the blue jumpsuit. People on court mandated you get orange."

"Couldn't I just go to prison?"

"Mr Nashton, you're much too smart to be sent in such a low security place." Dr Crane said passing the jumpsuit over along with under garments to both of us.

"Jeez this bra is not supportive at all." I gasped while holding it.

"Wires hold a chance of harming self."

"Whatever, may I go behind that divider? I'd rather change in private."

"You both will be taken to separate showers. The lower risk patients have their own bathrooms. Higher risk do it in a large room." Dr Crane said while motioning for the guards to come in. "Miss Laurier you will be taken to your room. Nashton you'll be taken to the shower room upstairs. Therapy will be weekdays, each level is at a different time with different therapists. Miss Laurier is already my patient so I will arrange something with the psych nurse of your level."

I was then taken to a room. It had a glass window that showed the hall, a bed, a cabinet for my belongings with a lock and a door to the bathroom. Just a normal psych ward room. Boring, bland, without any distractions.

"Hello Miss Laurier, I am a nurse here. I'm locking your belongings in here, we will give you things that you will need. You can call one person to bring you stuff you may need."


"Now have a shower, get dressed and I will put your clothes in here afterwards." The nurse said as she basically pushed me in.

I quickly had a shower with the cheap soap, dried off then put on the blue pants and shirt along with the slippers and under garments. All the clothes were a bit baggy on me but oh well.

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