Second Round Showdown I

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Previously on Yugioh 5Ds

[3rd POV]

It was quiet in the garage where Yusei was staying while Sector Security calmed down courtesy of his new friend Blister. Yusei was doing some maintenance on his Duel Runner ensuring that it stays in top condition. The hacker was sitting on the couch going through the envelope that Yusei tossed his way. It was his invitation to the Fortune Cup. Blister looked at the invitation itself before shuffling it to the next bit. It was a picture of Rally, Nervin, Tank, and Blitz.

Blister: "So these are your friends, huh?"

Yusei: "Yeah, and if I don't show up to the Fortune Cup. Goodwin said they'd pay the price."

Blister: "Sounds like something Goodwin would do. If it's not a bribe, it's a threat."

Yusei: 'Unless he's scared of you.'

Blister: "Your friends are in the Satellite?"

Yusei: "They are."

Blister: "Oh, man... Listen. I want to help you out. I'll check on them and make sure nothing bad happens to them or anything."

Yusei: "YOU can get to the Satellite?"

Blister: *chuckles* "I can get anywhere, Yusei. Now don't you worry. You'll be back with your buds in no time."

----- Present Day: A Few Hours Ago -----

The light of the morning sun began to rise over the horizon. Its orange light reflected off of the waters of the bay moving with the waves. A single ship was sailing through the water heading straight towards the Satellite Docks. It was a work boat that moved cargo and people back and forth from New Domino City and the Satellite. On board was Blister as he stood at the bow of the boat staring off at his oncoming destination. Blister took a deep breath into his lungs feeling the ship slowed down making its way into port.

Boat Captain: "Alright people, I don't know why you wanted to sneak back into this trash town, but we're here! Hope you had a pleasant trip! Now get your things and get off my boat! Enjoy the Satellite!" 

The boathands tossed rope over to the dock workers to ensure the ship didn't float out of the bay. Once that was done, two of them lowered the wooden ramp to the dock. Blister, the captain, and two very excited young men walked down the ramp. The three of them had to wait while the foreman and the captain went over the ship's manifest. 

Foreman: "Hmm, everything appears to be in order. The manifest shows that you had three passengers on board. Okay, so everyone's all paid up?"

Boat Captain: "They are, and speaking of which. Hey! The lot of you get moving before you get picked up by Sector Security!"

All of them nod walking away from the boat and into the Satellite. The two young men laugh at each other eager to discover all sorts of treasures and technological whatnot. Blister thought they were probably hackers or computer geeks trying to set up their own operation like he has. They were carrying their packed-up computer monitors as they ran up to an old minivan loaded with a table, various boxes, and a folded-up tarp. Everything one would need to run a stand. Blister had a small smile on his face for a moment since he recognized the owner of the van. A once, old friend of his by the name of Nathan Steward. 

Nathan: "Step right up to the fastest ride to the Satellite Markets! The place to get the BEST recycled electronics around! They've got encryptors, decryptors, recryptors! All makes, all models!"

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