Second Round Showdown II

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Thank you all for reading this far into the story. It means so much to see so many people invested in my creation ♥ Now let's get to the next part of this story. What will happen? What will you find? How will your duel with Commander Koda play out? Stay tuned~

----- Satellite: Last Night -----

[Blister's POV]

I had to disconnect from the carrier signal system lest I wanted to be paid a personal visit by Sector Security. The screen was nothing but static now indicating that I had no signal. I switched off the computer and came to the decision that it would be prudent to make myself scarce. There's nothing here that would help me find Yusei's friends. I moved the door flap of the tent aside to let myself out. What I am met with shortly afterwards were five hooded guys in trench coats. Nathan's warning from earlier echoed in my mind about a new duel gang that's cropped up and these guys DEFENITELY fit that description. From what I could tell, three of them were male while the other two were female judging based off their body structures. What mainly caught my attention were the masks. They each had different designs to them, but it kinda reminded me of (Y/N)'s mask back at the old Kaiba Park. The guys' masks were designed off of a skull, a bird like a raven or a crow, and a clown. One of the girls' masks looked like a Calaca while the other was that of a demon.

Blister: "And who might you friendly fellows be?"

Skull: "Saiga Sawatari. You will tell us why you are here."

Blister: 'So they know my real name? They're smart to have figured that out. I got to be careful.' *smirks* "Not much. Just came down here looking for a new place to call home."

Bird: "Oh yeah? Then MAYBE you want to tell us why you were contacting Yusei Fudo? Because I don't think that was a real estate agent there a bit ago, pal."

Blister: 'Crap. They must've been standing there longer than I thought.'

Clown: "Why are we even bothering with this shrimp? He's obviously lying to us."

Demon: "Will you calm down? There's no need to get violent."

Clown: "Well I say that if he won't tell us the truth..." *maniacal giggles* "Then we should cut out his tongue! Maybe slit his throat for good measure too."


Clown: "I'm just saying. If he's going to be a waste of breath, then let's cut off his ability to breathe all together."

Demon: "Enough! The both of you!"

Bird: "She's right you guys. Let's not lose our heads here."

Clown: "HA! Too late, bird brain!"

Bird: "Either you shut your mouth, or I WILL, you demented knucklehead!"

Skull: *sighs* "Getting back on track here. Make this easy and tell us why a hacker such as yourself came to the Satellite?"

Calaca: "We know you hacked into the Sector Security mainframe. Tell us why and maybe we can help."

Blister: "I... appreciate the offer, but it's like I said. I'm just here to look for a new place."

Skull: *sighs* "And once again, diplomacy has failed us. Ladies?"

The both of them nodded their heads at skullface over there and I knew what a signal was. Both of the women pulled out these cords with cuffs on the end of them. Dueling Anchors. They swung them over to me with such speed that I didn't even have time to dodge. I looked down to see both of the cuffs locked around my ankles before the girls pulled on the ropes. My balance was thrown off, and in a second, I was on the cold floor. The two of them came over restraining me so I couldn't get away. Whoever these girls were, they were strong as hell! The birdman started walking over as he looked at me right in the eyes. 

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