A Web of Deceit II

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[(Y/N)'s POV]

We continued down the tunnel for a good while now. It twisted and turned and some places which only proved how long it really was. However, the journey through the darkness soon came to an end. Tanner went ahead and found a ladder that went up towards what I assume was the hideout in question of somewhere not far from our destination. The man went up till he reached the manhole cover. He tried to lift the lid, but it was soon made clear that it wasn't budging. Tanner tried forcing his shoulder into it with very little effect. Guess the maintenance department doesn't come down here often. 

(Y/N): "Hey, Tanner. Come back down."

Tanner looked at me and complied with my request. Once he was back on solid ground, I shooed with back with the others just to make sure that I had enough room. I climbed up the ladder and got to where Tanner was placing my palm on the metal lid. My breathing slowed allowing me to focus. This needed to be a controlled burst so it wouldn't go flying off into the distance or create a gaping hole wherever this spot was located. The feeling of my psychic energy manifesting in my hand was always both strange and enjoyable. With one small thrust of my palm, the lid came flying off landing with a clatter only a few feet away. I looked around to see that we were in a small empty area. My eyes landed on my territory not too far from where I was now.

(Y/N): "Alright. We're clear. Start coming..."

My focus shifted away from the surface back down to the others below me. Tanner's jaw was a bit slack while Leo had stars in his eyes. Yusei, Yanagi, and Luna all had a collective wide-eyed look. Guess that really shouldn't be a surprise after seeing a big guy like Tanner fail with his strength only for me to come in and pop it off like it was nothing. I groaned and cleared my throat regaining their attention to me.

(Y/N): "It's clear for the moment. No lollygagging."

I emerged from the manhole and moved out of the way. My eyes were focused on my surroundings for any sign of irregular movement. When you live the life of being constantly harassed by Sector Security, you tend to become used to thinking you're about to be ambushed. Everyone else managed to make it to the top with Yusei being the last one up. Why was he the last one out? Well, he was helping that old man Yanagi from falling or slipping during his climb. Tanner put the manhole cover back over with clear signs of rust around it. Guess that's why it would barely budge from Tanner's strength. 

I took the lead when it came to getting us to the KaibaPark. I was all too familiar with how displays of power worked in territories. Any sign of weakness or cowardice would just invite some idiot who thinks that they could pose a challenge and become the new alpha. Everyone in the park saw me and made room for me to get through. Although, I could sense that a good number of them were watching Yusei. Their anger seeped out of them with their focus centered on him. It was rather nice thinking that Yusei might be feeling a bit uncomfortable being eyed by my own followers. The con, however, was that someone might try to pick a fight with him. Can't have that kind of heat on us right now. I looked around eventually spotting Jesse over by the throne talking with someone. Still surprised that it was still there. Was never really one for thrones.

(Y/N): "Jesse."

Jesse: "Oh. Heya, boss. How you doin'?"

(Y/N): "Fine for the moment. How have things been here?"

Jesse: "Eh. Nothin' much worth note. A few noggins knocked aroun'. A scuffle or two. Da same old same old."

(Y/N): "Good."

Jesse: "Although..."

(Y/N): "What?"

Jesse: "Some Security goons were 'ere sniffin' around. Not sure why. Didn' answer any ah our questions."

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