The Fortune Cup Finale III

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[3rd POV]

Long ago, when the pyramids were still young, Egyptian kings played a game of great and terrible power. They did battle with magic and monsters for riches and glory. From these "Shadow Games" erupted a war that threatened to destroy the world. Until a great and powerful pharaoh locked the dark magic away, imprisoning it for all eternity within the mystical Millennium Items...

MC: <Welcome back to the Fortune Cup Finale! The Master of Faster, Jack Atlas, already has a commanding lead. Can the Satellite Shooting Star, Yusei Fudo, catch up, or will this be his final lap? Let's watch and see!>

The stadium was buzzing with excitement. Everyone had their eyes fixated on the two Turbo duelists down below. Goodwin and Lazar were still up in the VIP Lounge while Mina was down by the stands. She was one of the officers stationed at the exits to ensure that "certain individuals" don't leave too early. Sayer watched from his spot in the shadows waiting to see if Goodwin will be able to do what he thinks he's trying to do. (Y/N) sat next to the twins to make sure that nothing bad happened to them during this duel. His senses were already telling him that something was going to happen. What he didn't know was if this was his psychic senses being triggered, or if it was his connection to the duel spirits.

But even eternity doesn't last forever...

Akiza retreated back to the truck after taking the kids back to Bolt Tanner. Her heart still hadn't calmed down after what happened. (Y/N), the guy that she was getting close to, was almost killed. Even after seeing that he was alright, it still didn't ease her worry. When she saw him walking away on the track, all she wanted to do was run down and make sure he was okay. Akiza shook her head from these thoughts. Yes, she knew that she was becoming more attracted to him. To the man that shared so much similar pain to her. To the man who understood her. To the man that made all the bad feelings go away just with his smile. The memory from when they almost kissed still played fresh in her mind. Over and over again she imagined what it would have been like if their lips had touched. The spark inside her only grew as a result making her heart flutter for a moment and a blush to appear on her face.

Akiza: 'I need to cool off.'

Akiza reached the truck and proceeded inside where no one would disturb her. She got changed into the swimsuit that had all the sensors on it to monitor her psychic levels before tying up her hair. As Akiza sat down in the tub, she pressed the button on the interface, and the glowing water began to pour in. She laid there in the water letting herself relax and think unaware of the changing weather happening outside. The winds howled above the city bringing in dark clouds. This didn't go unnoticed as Luna looked up to see the sky being blanketed completely. She whimpered earning the attention of her guardian. (Y/N) followed her example and looked up to see the abnormal weather patterns. The feeling that something was going to happen was growing stronger in him. Something bad.

It was never to happen, and for 5,000 years, it never did...

Luna: "What's that?"

Leo: "I don't remember the forecast calling for scary purple clouds..."

Yanagi: "It's a sign! The Crimson Dragon is coming, and if he's coming, then we should all get going!"

Bolt: "Take it easy, gramps. I mean... It's probably acid rain drifting in from the Satellite. Nothing to be concerned about."

(Y/N): "Yeah... Probably."

(Y/N) looked back down from the ever-increasing cloudy sky. He crossed his arms as he watched the monsters below. Red Dragon Archfiend growled and snarled at the warrior standing between it and Yusei. He was still a bit pissed that it wasn't him down there. That it wasn't him fighting for the title of Champion, but it didn't really matter that much to him. He wasn't obsessed with something like that like his great-grandfather in the past. All he cared about was taking care of his people, the twins, and anyone else he held close.

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