Chapter 5

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Katie and Gwen were in the kitchen, gossiping with face masks on. Katie was finishing up Gwen's manicure, and Gwen finally felt a little more relaxed than she had in a while.

"No way! You didn't!" Katie exclaimed.

"Yep! I was so mortified! But I did finally get over it. My family never lets me forget it though!"

"I would have melted into the floor!"

"Oh, trust me, I wanted to! But, live and learn."

After the giggles had subsided, Katie looked at Gwen. "How are you really doing? AJ said you didn't sleep well last night."

"I— well, to be honest, I've not been great. But I know as time passes, things will get better. How have you guys been doing?"

"We're good. Enjoying what all life is throwing at us."

"Good..." Gwen gazes into the distance.

"Hey, you're going to be okay. You'll get back to normal. You guys just went through a huge traumatic event, and now you're having to pick the pieces back up and move forward. You'll get there, and you'll have your friends and family with you every step of the way. I promise."

"Thanks. I just... I really hope it's truly over."

"It is. You have to have faith it is."

Gwen smiles at Katie. "I appreciate that. Thank you. I don't know what we'd have done without y'all."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that. Ever." Katie smiles back to Gwen. "Come here!" Katie leans in and gives Gwen a hug. A timer goes off. "Okay, let's get these face masks off!" They go wash their faces and Gwen is starting to feel much better than when she started.

AJ comes into the kitchen marveling at Gwen. "Hey beautiful." Gwen blushes at his words. She had never been used to someone calling her beautiful, and no matter how often he does it, it still makes her blush. "You girls look great! Much more relaxed."

"Thank you Baby. I feel a little better too. Thank you for surprising me with this, Katie. It was what I needed."

"My pleasure, Gwen! Anytime!"

Later that night, Gwen was tossing and turning in her sleep again. AJ woke from all the movement and tried comforting her by holding her. She relaxed into his arms and buried into him more. He kissed her forehead and went back to sleep, excited for the dinner he planned for them.

A Familiar PrisonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora