Chapter 58

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"Wow. There's a lot going on isn't there. Well, first off I'm glad AJ is okay. Second off, I'm glad you're able to realize dreams so quickly. Third off, I'm glad you guys are going to be back in your home soon." Piper was impressed with Gwen's coping skills from when she first met her to now.

"Thanks. I'm just hoping this is it for a while. I mean, it's huge that I was able to sleep without any nightmares yesterday during the day. Granted, they came back last night, but it's the normal ones with the Grandparents chasing me around our house. I'm able to catch on quicker and quicker, so hopefully before long, I'll be able to know it's a bad dream right when it starts."

"Maybe not right when it starts, but soon enough. I am proud of you for how far you've come. You are recognizing things within yourself and are able to better communicate your needs rather than hide away or run away. Of course, there will always be setbacks, it's life, and it's not going to be perfect, but for the most part, you are able to cope much better than when I first met you."

Gwen blushed and looked down. "Thanks. I'm glad I decided to do this. I know I was stuck, and you've helped me so much. I appreciate it Piper! Thank you!"

"You're very welcome! I'm glad to have met you." Piper smiled at Gwen.


Gwen held out her hand to shake Piper's. Piper took it, and they then exited the office. AJ stood once Gwen approached.

"Ready to go? AJ took Gwen's hand and they walked out of the office. Gwen relished the sunshine on her face and took a moment to stop and just feel.

They got in the car and went to get something to eat. They chose to eat at Denny's where they got their usual orders.

While they were waiting, they were looking at paint samples to decide what to have the kitchen, spare bedroom, and dining room all painted. They already had chosen for the den, the living room, and their Master bedroom.

"I think this one would look best in the kitchen, but as an accent wall only." Gwen was holding up a burgundy color. "Then this" holding up the gray, "for the dining room, then this" holding up a blue-gray color, "for an accent wall in the spare bedroom."

"Sounds great to me." AJ smiled at her.

"What?" She smiled and blushed.

"You really don't see how wonderful you are, do you?"

"Oh, please. I'm not—" AJ cut her off with a kiss.

"You are. No matter how much you deny it, you are the most wonderful woman I've ever know.  Not to mention the most beautiful and the most loving."

She smiled, blushing again. "Baby—" She looked down.

"I'm serious." He took her hands in his. "You are incredible, and I am so lucky to call you my wife, my soulmate, and my best friend. You have overcome so much, and I could not be more proud of you. You make me want to be a better man for you."

"Baby, you're already wonderful. I couldn't ask for a better partner to live this life with. You are not the only lucky one here. You bring so much joy into my life every day, and I'm so proud and happy to be your wife." She put her forehead on his. "I love you so much."

"I love you." He kissed her. "You do need to give yourself credit for what you've overcome though. You are amazing."

She blushed deeper again. The server came over with their food and they ate. Leaving the restraint hand in hand, they got back to Kevin and Katie's house and enjoyed the rest of their day relaxing.

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