Chapter 9

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So many wires. He saw his beautiful wife under so many wires. She had some stitches above her right eye, there was bruising around her cheek, and her right arm was in a cast. She looked to be sleeping.

"She was pretty banged up, but she should make a full recovery. She hasn't woken up yet, but the doctors believe she should soon." The nurse looked at AJ. AJ could only stare at Gwen.

"She—she's still unconscious? Why?"

"You both were in a serious collision. She took more of the brunt of it since it was on her side. Her brain is just trying to recoup from that trauma."

"When will she wake up?"

"That's going to be up to her."

AJ was still staring at his love. "Gwen..."

The nurse turned and headed to the door. "Could you please tell my friends they can come back here? They are family too." AJ pulled a chair over and sat next to her bed.

He gingerly grabbed her hand. "Baby... I'm so sorry." Tears slipped down his face. He hated seeing her like this. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. "We'll get through this. No matter what it takes. I'll always be here with you, Honey."

Kevin knocked on the door, and he and Katie entered. "Oh, Gwen!" Katie said. AJ looked at them. Katie gave AJ a hug, and Kevin followed suit. "Anything you need, we can bring it to you." Katie looked at AJ and understood he would not be leaving Gwen's side at least until she woke up.

"They— they said she is pretty banged up, but should make a full recovery, but she's still out. She will wake up when her brain is ready to."

Katie grabbed the other chair and sat and grabbed Gwen's other hand. "She looks like she's just sleeping. She looks peaceful. Hopefully she'll get some good rest now."

"Yeah," AJ said, forlornly. "I know she's been having all those nightmares, maybe this will give her a respite."

Katie could tell AJ needed some time to himself. "Kev, why don't we go get some drinks? AJ, did you want anything? A water?"

"Yeah, that sounds fine." AJ never looked away from Gwen.

Katie and Kevin left to get some drinks and snacks from the vending machines.

AJ closed his eyes and let the tears flow. He was so scared. He didn't want her hurt at all. He wanted them out of this place. He wanted her awake. He wanted to talk to his loving wife, to hear her melodious laugh, see her beautiful eyes, to be able to hold her close and comfort her, just have her know he was there beside her.

"Honey, I know you're in there. Please just come back to me. I don't know what I would do without you. Please, please just wake up for me."

He stood and bent over her and kissed her forehead carefully as to not disturb any of the wires that were hooked up to her. He sat back down in the chair, grabbed her hand, and just waited.

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