Chapter 33

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Gwen woke up with AJ sitting at the desk on his computer. He was writing something, she couldn't tell what though.

"Morning Baby." He looked over at her and smiled.

"Morning Beautiful." She blushed.

"What are you doing over there?"

"Just writing. I know it's helped you a lot, so I thought maybe help get all my thoughts down on paper... so to speak."

"That's good. How did you sleep?"

He came over to her and gave her a kiss. "Alright. I know you had a nightmare. I remember you snuggling in to me and I held you."

"This one was a two-fer. I had a nightmare and thought I woke up, but I was still asleep and had a different nightmare."

"Want to talk about it?" AJ looked at her with concern.

"Maybe later. I wrote it down, and I really don't want to relive it again right now." She thought of how horrible she felt in the dream seeing AJ bound and gagged.

"Okay." He rubbed her back. "Do you want to go get some breakfast? I was thinking we could pick up donuts today."

"Ooh, that sounds good. I'll let Katie know." They left the bedroom, and seeing Katie and Kevin were still in bed, Gwen sent a text to Katie to let her know what they were doing.

By the time they returned, Kate and Kevin were both up. They all had their fill of donuts and milk, and AJ and Gwen left to look at the car they saw online.

After talking with the salesperson and seeing the car, they took it for a test drive. They enjoyed the car and decided to purchase it. After signing the paperwork, they came back to Kevin and Katie's.

AJ then received a call from their landlord- their house would be ready ahead of schedule, and they could come back in two weeks. As much and they enjoyed staying with Katie and Kevin, this was elating news! They would be back home in two weeks!

AJ then needed to work for a while, and Gwen decided to write for a bit. Even just getting thoughts out of her head was therapeutic. She was still having doubts about things, but she definitely is not where she was before.

She sighed. She wanted to make sense of these dreams. Okay, last nights dream- Jess told us she was pregnant, so that's where the baby comes from. The baby turning into the creepy zombie baby is because of that Child with Granny and Grandpa. Granny and Grandpa chasing us? That's obvious. Her wanting to hurt AJ unless I "spend time with her?" They held him hostage while I was trying to get my bearings. They never did tell either of us what they really wanted from us. We were just pawns. What did they want? In the dream, Granny only said she wanted to "spend time with me," so with me not even knowing her except for when she's kidnapped me or held my husband hostage, I have no clue what she meant. Both of my grandmothers have passed away, so it's no one that is actually related to me. I did try going with her... what would have happened if I didn't wake up then? Would I have been trapped in their house then? Never to escape... never knowing what was going to happen since AJ wouldn't be around me. I would have been alone except for Granny, Grandpa, that Child, and my thoughts.

No, stop that. She scolded herself. You've been doing so well, let's not revert. Yes, things are scary, yes things are unknown, but I just have to keep the faith.

Gwen looked around, and seeing AJ finishing up on the computer, she put the journal away. "Do you want to go for a walk?" She asked him.

"Sure. Let me get my shoes on and we'll go."

Gwen and AJ walked around the block, hand in hand. She did tell him about her dreams from the previous night, and he comforted her, letting her know she was not going to be in that position because Granny and Grandpa are dead.

"You're right." Gwen said. "I'm just letting my mind wander, and it's leading to places that aren't good. I know logically nothing will happen to me, and I just have to remember that."

He kissed her hand. "Exactly. Just keep telling yourself that. I'll be here with you every step of the way. I love you."

"I love you." They stopped and she gave him a kiss. "Okay, let's get back before Katie sends out a search party." Gwen chuckled. They rounded the corner and came to the edge of Katie and Kevin's property, then headed inside.

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