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Y/N laughed at something Gojo had said. It caught her off guard, like way off guard. "What?" She says to make sure she heard him right. Gojo rose his brow and dropped them as she held back a grin of his own.

"I said your breath smells like black lilacs." He repeats.

She snickers once more, not knowing why that phrase was so funny. "Black lilacs? Is that even a thing?" Gojo shook his head and took a seat next to her, looking upon the horizon and flower bed in front of them. It's spring and the flowers have just bloomed. The wind blew lightly and they both sat in a comfortable silence. Y/N glanced at Gojo who's staring at the sky, clearly deep in thought. He glanced at her out of his peripheral view, smirking once he caught her eyes.

"What?" He asks.

"I like this version of you." She whispers. He rose a brow, leaning back and eyeing her up and down.

"What do you mean?"

"You're nice here, you care for me and you don't make me feel bad about myself, or confuse me. When it's like this its just...I feel like it's only us that exist in this hectic world. Even if you make me that way." She explains softly. Gojo grinned, looking down at the grass beneath them. He reached down and plucked a flower he thought suited her. He smiles, turning to her once more and twirling the flower between his fingers. Y/N joined his faint chuckles out of reflex. "What?" She asks, following his eyes to the flower.

"She was a quite girl sitting amongst other people with little to say." He starts. Y/N got intrigued and continued to listen. "She was a beauty that loved to laugh and spread love. She had lots to offer; but many knew nothing of what that was, since she stayed to herself amongst the heard of CGI's. However, she didn't mind it." His voice got quieter as he continued. Like he began talking to himself.

"In the end she'd always look to where the sun is." He held the flower up to the sun, having the sun shine on it, cascading a few bright lines onto them. "Whenever she looked there, she felt happy, she felt joy, she simply felt...safe. Safe in the arms of the sun." Gojo placed his hand down and handed her the flower. Y/N looked at the flower then at him before she took it hesitantly.

"What does that mean?" She questions.

Gojo exhales, stretching his feet and swaying them. Still his eyes are on her as he did so. "Meaning tou are that sunflower." He answers. "You're kind of...perfect."

She smiles. "Really?" Gojo nods.

"A perfect kind of perfect." He whispers. Y/N leaned in, loving the moment that they're in. It's quiet and the wind is blowing perfectly. "Y/N."

"Yes?" She exhales, their lips inches away from each other.

"I have to go." He says.

"Please don't." She quietly pleads. Their foreheads are touching and they're still an inch away from kissing.

"I have to." He says pulling away.

"Gojo please don't go."

"I'll return whenever you want me to. But for now...deal with it."

"No." Y/N sprang to her feet, looking around to see where Gojo went. However, she came up nothing. Just her, the breeze and that flower. Where is it again? Y/N glanced around, her eyes landing on the sun. She put her arm up to block her eyes, and almost instantly she felt warm.


"Hm?" Y/N broke her gaze and blinked. she looked around, realizing where she was.

"Are you ready?" Gojo asks. Y/N continued to study her surrounding, having everything remind her of her shitty reality. After talking with Nanami and Alisha they agreed to going out with the both of them on separate journey's for the remainder of the week.

𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑫𝒓𝒖𝒈 / 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒖 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐Where stories live. Discover now