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I got tired pasting of quotes from 'Psychology Fact' app, so here

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I got tired pasting of quotes from 'Psychology Fact' app, so here. I've started collecting memes from my fb feed😆



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Sitting on the polished hard crystalline metamorphic form of limestone, a streaks of emerald  embedded stones that burst into coruscant with the sun's light slithering through the small gap of the window sill, reflecting magnificently into angles, drowning the grey radiance of its natural color, the seven member elder-council watch me with cautious inquisitive eyes, slowly settling on eerily silence of the room. 

My seven member elder-council consisted of demigods and the most powerful and oldest living species that existed. Seirious, a fallen-warrior-star and first member, Zero, the single survivor sprite, Kalisto a hybrid; angel and succubus, Shadow the soul reaper, and the first existing tribrid;  witch, seer and a fay, Senthopia. Arimo, the guardian of seven seas, and the sole living fury dragon, Draccon. 

Seirious, one of Zeus warrior star—now a fallen-star is sitting abstractedly on his seat, a few lines on his forehead kept showing off from time-to-time as his voluminous brows kept on meeting perpetually. Wearing nothing but a leather tunic that was casually draped on his massive scarred shoulders and straight legged trousers made of what seems like from a wild semi-aquatic reptile that he probably hunted in the wilds. 

The fallen-star star seems to be on another dimension doing god knows what by the way his eyes stare on nowhere in particular. His sun kissed skin was marred by scars from the bygone brutal wars he had accomplished on mission as a warrior and those he took part with from the time of his falling was something I admired despite his carefree and most of the time crazed attitude. 

Among my elder-council members, Seirious was the eldest, and was the first ever member since the first reign and was the only mischievous member I have ever had on my council cabinet. We became friends after his blatant persuasion and nosiness. I've grown accustomed to his unannounced visit to my palace, may it be in my chambers or wherever I am as long as he feels like being crazy he will pop out of nowhere in front of you. I wonder what's on his spacious head now? 

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