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"What do you think he is doing now? Do you think he was captured by now?" Asked Shiloh the moment they set on their hidden camp. 

"Knowing Viper he probably has made himself known by doing mishaps. Who knows, he might've tripped himself on the ground and caused a ruckus for them to hear" Tote joked and snickers. 

"True. He tends to do the stupidest thing when you least expect it" added Dilo.

Haskin shakes his head with a smile on his face at their remarks. "Anyway, are we just gonna stay here and wait for him?" 

"Give it a day or two. If he won't come back at the end of the day we will infiltrate the border and try to save him" Tote answered. They all nodded. The King's territory may be the most dangerous to ever enter but they know they have to at least try to save Viper's ass even if the chance of surviving is waving to fifty-fifty. 

"Maybe we can—" Shiloh's voice immediately cease when a gust of air touches her bare skin. The surrounding went silent and they all shared a knowing look. In a split second they all were on their feet, standing on stance and waited for the incoming danger. 

"Did Viper expose us?" Tote barely whispered. 

"What do you expect? It's Viper" Dilo grumbled. "Should we run or give it a fight?" 

Shiloh winces and looks at Dilo. "My legs just caught cramps, I can't  run right now" and she sighs in defeat. 

"Why did I even forgot you're a fucking Pisces?" Tote groaned. Haskin internally smiles at that, Shiloh always tends to catch bad luck during the worst situation making the unfortunate events. 

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