Chapter twenty-nine

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Breath in, My wolf repeats. Breath out

I follow her directions carefully as she teaches me how to use my abilities. She wanted to start light with my jumping ability. So far, I feel like the Hulk.

The training arena is next to the Pack house, filled with training mats, weight machines, targets, practice dummies and so much more. It's late right now, at least eight pm. I raced out after dinner, using my super speed. It's as if no one saw me, and maybe they didn't.

Now close your eyes, and when you jump, focus on touching the roof. She murmurs. I do as told, closing my eyes and keeping my body calm. She said that leaping would be the easiest to accomplish, then we can do whatever one I want to try.

I bend my knees, breath out, and jump. I open my eyes, but still focus on touching the roof. I look under me and see the training mats becoming slightly smaller, then I look up to the roof that comes closer.

What do I do when I get to the top? I ask in panic.

Push off, bend your knees and land on your feet. She says simply. I roll my eyes and once I get to the metal roof, I push on it. My body starts hurdling back towards the mats and I'm silently screaming. I bend my knees and close my eyes, waiting for the impact, but instead, I feel a ton of sparks fly through my body.

My wolf sighs happily, but is slightly grumpy that Tate wouldn't let us land.

"I don't think I want you doing that anymore" he growls, setting me on my feet. I frown at him.

"Why not?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

"It's dangerous" he replies with no emotion.

"That's why I'm training, that's why my wolf knows what to do"

This is the perfect time to practice psychometry on Tate. My wolf states.

What? I thought you said that's on objects, not people too. I reply with confusion.

It works on people too. My wolf rolls her eyes now. Just place a hand to his cheek.

I step closer to my mate, my heart beat picking up when I smell his scent. He wraps his arms around my waist, his frown disappearing. I place a gentle hand to his cheek and close my eyes.

The image that fills my brain quickly has me almost collapsing from the power. It's not a memory of Tate, it's the future.

I watch him in wolf form, growling at someone, blood around his snout, dripping onto the grass. He looks Rogue. I hear a scoff, and look away from Tate to see a man, at least six foot, arms crossed over his chest making his muscles pop. He smirks at Tate with a laugh.

It's as if I'm there, but neither of them can see me, like I'm a ghost.

"She's already gone" the man says, his voice deep and thick with victory. Tate's wolf growls. "She's decided which way to go already, she's left you"

Tate pounces towards the man, lips pulled back in a snarl. The man is unwavering, watching as another wolf, this time black, jumps on Tate and takes him down. They roll on the ground, the black wolf standing in victory. He looks back to the man, his eyes sparkling when he sees something, someone.


Only it doesn't look like me. My hair glows silver, my eyes joining in. My skin looks creamy with no blemishes at all. My stride is soft, my fingers crackling with little sparks of lightning. My emotion doesn't change when I see Tate, unmoving on the ground. The tall man wraps an arm around my shoulders with a proud smile.

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