Chapter twenty-one

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I wake up abruptly at eleven-fortyfive. I'm breathing heavily, sweat covers my body and has my clothes from earlier sticking to me. Dylan wakes up as soon as he hears me and sits up.

"What's wrong?" He asks gently, his eyes skimming over me to make sure I'm not harmed.

I can feel something's wrong. My legs ache, I'm sweating uncontrollably and my head has started to gain a headache. I take a deep breath, maybe it's just the flu.

"Werewolves don't get the flu" Dylan answers me. I shake my head.

"I'm not a wolf yet"

"But the genes in you are stronger because you're the Silver Wolf. You can't get sick anymore Isabella" he looks worried and scared.

I stretch out my legs and throw the hot sheets off of me. Dylan gets up and leaves through a door across from the bed. He comes out with a wet cloth and places it to my forehead. I sigh in relief as the cold cloth brings down my temperature.

Then something weird happens. Something starts glowing silver on Dylan's back. He notices and touches his tattoo.

"It's glowing" he says with panick. I wipe off the rest of my face and rest the cloth on it while watching him. He starts pacing the room, his tattoo glowing the same as Tate's had when I touched it.

"Come here" I order, wanting to try something. He comes over to me and turns so his back is to me. I gently place my hand to the tattoo. He hisses in pain and jumps away.

"What was that for?" He asks, rubbing his back.

"I didn't think it would do that" I murmur in awe. His tattoo, just for a moment, sizzled to a black color, then back when I pulled away. I look down to my fingertips, but nothing seems wrong with them.

"Here, I'll start you a bath and get the Pack doctor, okay?" He leans on the edge of the bed. I smile at his concern for me and nod my head. He helps me stand up, but it causes pain to my legs. I wince and fall against him. He picks me up and carries me through the door that he got the cloth from. Inside is a bathroom larger than the one in my bedroom at Tate's Pack house. Dylan sets me on the sparkling counter and leans over the white jaccuzi, turning in the water. I lean my head on the wall and groan in pain, clutching my head in my hands.

My eyesight grows fuzzy for a minute, then back to normal. My stomach is doing backflips in anticipation for something. My headache grows more, like being stabbed multiple times. I rest a hand on the counter and the other over my eyes, as the light suddenly becomes to bright.

Dylan stands and turns it out, leaving us in darkness, but not so dark that I can't see. He turns the water off and looks at me.

"Alpha Dylan!" A female voice yells from behind his bedroom door. I jump, only causing more pain. Dylan races to the door and rushes in the women who looks to be in her late forties. Her hair is going grey, but her eyes are the brightest blue I've ever seen, not dark, but pale.

She goes to turn on the light but Dylan stops her, telling her something about it hurting me. I scrunch my eyebrows together in confusion as I can no longer hear anything but a buzz of conversation and a high-pitched ringing in my ears. More sweat forms on my face, my clothes sticking to me disgustingly. The Doctor takes an elastic and ties my hair up in a perfect bun so that I'm not so hot. Dylan grabs the cloth and soaks it in cold water again.

The Doctor says something muffled to Dylan, who angrily says something back. I lean forward and reach out for him as my legs ache again.

"Dylan" I whisper, my voice raspy and muffled to even me. He comes closer and holds the cloth on my forehead, then runs it down the side of my cheeks. "I'm scared"

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