2.<FELIX >

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The urge to call one of his friends was strong, extremely strong but the worry he felt for the stranger was even more. Felix managed to get his first potential car victim to the hospital but was now pacing around the hospital corridor. The more the time passed away the more anxious he became. He needed some sort of moral support but he couldn't call his friends it was late at night.

"Sir?" Felix turned his head in the direction of the voice only to find a nurse their standing with a clipboard in her hands. "Are you here for MR. Hwang?"

Confusion was plastered across Felix's face 'hwang?' how did the women even knew his name and was this MR. Hwang the same person they were talking about. In any case Felix nodded his head in affirmation.

"Ok great, He only has a concussion nothing too dire you're lucky the car didn't hit him too hard" the nurse continued " I'll need you to fill a form and your relation with the said patient, please follow me"

The question caught him off guard. Since Felix didn't want to tell the hospital staff he ran the blondie over he told them he was his closet friend 'lee Felix ' as that meant he won't be registered as someone who ran a guy over in his CV effecting his future job position though now he started overthinking. He didn't knew any thing about the guy in the first place, he just got to know his name a few minutes prior. He went along with the nurse anyways hoping he didn't had to fill in any personal information about the guy. He didn't wanted to add more sins to his crimes, he was going to go to jail for running someone over (if his cover was blown) he didn't need to add identity forging to it.


Never in his life had Felix been so nervous before, during and after filling a form. He didn't had the heart to stay in the hospital any longer than he intended too. After hearing that this 'hwang guy' was ok he left the hospital, only after giving a small note to the reception lady to give to blondie-- that would be his name until Felix figured out his real one. He left way too guilty to stay any longer.

Upon reaching at his apartment he plopped himself on his bed and glanced at the digital clock besides his bed. '1:07 AM' the clock read, he stayed at the hospital way longer than he thought. Before sleeping he sent a quick text in his group chat containing seungmin, Jeongin, jisung and himself stating the events of the previous hours and fell asleep as soon as he hit his head on his pillow.

'9:04'. It was way to early for Felix to be awake right now, it was even early for him to have 60+ messages in the group chat and it was even annoyingly early for him to have 14 calls from his friends. All he wanted to do was ignore everyone and fall right back asleep.

"FELIX OPEN UP" Jisungs voice rang out throughout his whole apartment .

"Han?!" Felix shot up from his bed half asleep"its 9 in the morning what are you doing here and dont shout you'll get me kicked out "

Felix stumbled his way to the door when he realized jisung wouldn't stop banging his door. As soon as he opened the door jisung invited himself in and grabbed Felix's shoulder and shook him hard. After him Jeongin came inside and pryed his hands off of Felix meanwhile seungmin locked the door.

"You ran someone over? who???" Han questioned

"No clue" felix responded
"You dont know who you ran over?" Jeongin and seungmin asked simultaneously.

No one was more disappointed at this then jisung he atleast wanted an identity to know who was run over yet he got none. Seungmin had to hold him down while Felix got dressed and Jeongin made him pancakes; a simple breakfast he could make in a spam of 5 minutes.

The only information they had of the mysterious guy was that he was blonde and his last name was supposedly Hwang. Though jisung urged everyone to find him his idea was shut down really quick by everyone.

Jeongin had to divert the topic or else jisung wouldn't leave Felix alone so he asked the first thing that came in his mind about the internship. He did ended up embarrassing himself as he now got to know that unless someone had internal connections or a really good profile It was rare to get an internship call the next day of application.

In the end Felix ended up getting late to his morning class of financial law and jeongin had to skip his.


(A week later)

By now Felix was sure that him running over a guy incident was buried deep and that blondie had received his note. He had no filed complaints against him and he was positive everything worked well in the end. He recently received an email from perficient enterprises for an interview and today was the day he'd have one with his new boss. He felt extremely lucky to have gotten a interview, it was a company people dreamt of working in and he had now gotten the golden opportunity to work here.

"Cool navy blazer check, neat slicked hair check, CV check, wallet with no money check-"
"Is this necessary?" Felix interrupted jisungs way of finalizing things for him

"Of course it is, you have an interview" jeongin answered in jisungs stead.

Felix gave up and let his friends worry about the job interview he was going to. Negative thoughts flooded his brain. What if he messed something up? What if he says something offensive? Or what if he-.

'no only positive thoughts ' felix told himself nothing that could go wrong. How moderately terrifying could the CEO even be. He's never met him so he shouldn't judge the poor guy.

With nothing but a positive mindset Felix got in his car and drove towards the enterprises. Nothing would stand in between him and this job.

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