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Lee Felix....lee Felix
The name wouldn't leave hyunjin's head. That name would even haunt him in his dreams. All he vaguely remember was being hit by a car, silver ish grey hair, panicked voices and then he blacked out. The second he woke up he found himself in a hospital bed staring at the white ceiling trying to figure out how he managed to land himself in their. The cruel stench of medicine, disease and blandness filled his nose he hated that. As soon as he managed to plop himself on the bed he found his phone on the night stand and called the first person he knew he could count on. That and the fact that he was trying to avoid all reasons to call Madeline for assistance despite, that being her job.

Chan rushed into the hospital when Hyunjin called. Out of all the things that could've happened this was the least expected one. Nonetheless like the 'father-like' figure he was, came to the location and got ready to fill any necessary information needed to discharge Hyunjin. Both to their surprise it was already filled out and the medicine purchase had been done. This confused them though not as much as when the nurse came and gave Hyunjin a folded piece of paper claiming his 'friend' who brought him here had left it and had to leave urgently due to a family emergency.

Upon further questioning the description of the so called friend was given silver hair, freckled face, a deep voice and a name. 'lee felix'. Hyunjin opened the miniscule note to take a peak and chuckled when he read it.

"Apologies Sir Hwang, it was not my intention to hit you with my car as compensation i paid for your medicinal bills though I'd understand if you wanted legal actions to be taken place. I know im in no position to ask for favour but I'd be in debt if you could forgo this mistake of mine and forget this ever happened
Lee Felix"

As for the present Hyunjin wanted to meet this Felix. He wouldn't press any charges on the guy- unless he was a certified criminal- but he'd love to give him a piece of his mind. After a day Hyunjin was able to go back to his enterprises and resume his job.

"Sir? Sir? Sir hwang?" Madeline practically screamed.
"Yes, Madeline" said Hyunjin
"These are a few files solely dedicated to the possible intern candidates for next week if you could verify who should get an access to this by checking the portfolio's let me know so i can finalize them".

'fuck' how could he be so wrapped up in this Felix that he forgot about his company. Another reason to punch 'felix' in the gut. Hyunjin swore he'd run him over too and then leave him with a stupid note that demanded an apology. He started analyzing all eligible candidates, not everyone could just become a part of his company you'd have to be worthy enough. Out of 70 qualified ones Hyunjin chose 34. He reached the last file hoping the last person was qualified enough to be the thirty fifth one.

"Lee Yonbok?" Hyunjin questioned himself. Silver ish grey hair, freckles ....'fuck' not Felix's thoughts roaming in his head again. He'd smash his face in the wall now. How could a guy he had never met be able to annoy him so much. It was infuriating. Shaking his head he looked at the profile again and deemed him worthy of working here . Yonbok had good grades, experienced in other smaller internships through his high school till college life.

Thirty Fifth candidate was selected. Lee yonbok. He gave the list of candidates to Madeline. Who gave batted her eyelashes at him though he paid no heed he was far to used to her shenanigans that at this point it was a norm for him.


Hyunjin wanted death at the moment. Out of the 35 chosen 27 were interviewed with 15 being selected. The 28 one left and Hyunjin waited for the twenty ninth one to come. "Hello! Pleasure to meet you sir?" Felix's voice hung half way as he stared right into the eyes of the CEO.
-his blondie- .

"Mister Yonbok please take a seat" Hyunjin encouraged him."lets began the interview shall we I'll skip the dull questions and get straight to the point. Hypothetically you're a confirmed worker here and you've been defamed for slacking off, the perpetrator being the one who'd you have a conflict with from another company, what measure would you take to ensure that the case resolves while making sure the companies reputation isn't at stake?"

" Thank you mister yonbok i must say I've been impressed by your answers we could work on your confidence a bit though you seem unnerved regardless thank you for your time and if you get chosen a confirmation email would be sent to you good luck" Hyunjin said as he rose from his chair with a hand extended to shake Felix's.

'hired' he thought. Yongbok was definitely hired. There was something oddly familiar about him. Nevertheless he had the capabilities to do the job now it was time for Hyunjin to put his verbal appellation into physical work.

He stared at the shorter males  back as he exited the office. Hyunjin couldn't help but wonder was he the reason the poor lad seems scared as hell maybe he should try to be a bit soft or maybe the candidates should try to fake confidence. Hyunjin was to proud to admit that he was maybe the reason he felt threatened by yonbok's beauty. There could only be one visual in this company and looks like yonbok had come head to head with him.

Hyunjin scoffed quietly 'as if'. He was handsome he knew that yonbok was also pretty and he knew that but he'd rather be in denial; caught naked but admit that. 'lee yonbok is only quarter pretty' thats it.

'only a quarter '

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