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This is sort of a filler chapter so not reading this wouldn't affect the overall on going story. There'll be two filler chapters, this was one and the last would be posted after the epilogue. <3

Trigger warning ⚠️: there's mention of blood and abuse if you're not comfortable than please don't read.

Three years ago: department of deviance and crime.
Investigation team: squad #2.

Bright red lights swarmed the whole street, the rays of light reflecting over the walls and shinning back on the faces of the medical workers present. Approximately 45 minutes ago they were called and informed of a brutal car accident on Juvenile Avenue, even though the ambulance could've made it in time; 10 minutes max they couldn't due to the severe weather.

The car was flipped upside, blood splattered everywhere, the only sounds heard were of the medical team shouting at their staff members to get the victims to their stretchers. Even though the car was upside down it was clear that the two bodies; alive then had managed to crawl out of car only to be resulted in a deadly fight. This was assumed by the nurses available on spot. The bodies were unrecognizable, battered. Their faces smashed in, signs of resistance present and the overall injuries ranging from almost torso detachment to broken kneecaps.

Even the gender of the bodies couldn't be recognized in this form hence they were sent to the forensic labs right away after the hospital declared them dead on spot. An autopsy was conducted to figure out the exact cause of death. After a few DNA hair and blood samples both bodies came back with a positive Y-chromosome. That meant they were male. A further study was conducted on their fingerprints from the site of investigation and their bones to know their ages and possible identification. The results came back in a week. The bodies till then preserved in a cold container so that they won't decompose and wither away.

Two separate reports were made on each of them.

Report #256
Name: Henry Hale
Cause of death: aneurysm, broken spleen, clotting, abdominal pain, punctured lung, ruptured abdominal aorta and internal hemorraghe, pneumothorax due to lung rupture which led to difficulty in breathing in addition to the external abuse endured by the body. The death slow and painful. Aside from the car crash other major injuries included Fatal (FES) established by the mechanical disintegration adipose tissues in the main bloodstream, signs of scattered subcutaneous hematomata was present, Hypovolemic and neurogenic shock, as well as systemic effects of crush injury, contributing factors to death from FES.

Time of death: an hour before the ambulance was even informed at approximately 11:03-11:07.

Report #257
Name: Vernon Mathias.
Cause of death: various glass shards implanted on soft nerve tissues, intracranial hemorrhage, fractured limbs, dislocated jaw, left eye gauged out, 3 broken ribs and internal stomach bleeding, blunt force applied to the kidney rendering one of them useless, sawed off lip, 7 stab marks respectively near the duodenum and ampulla of vater damaging the pancreatic duct. Bruises of large volume to surface area ratio on the cheeks and stomach.

Time of death: 20 minutes before the arrival of the ambulance. Approximately at 11:45.

The whole case was appalling to everyone. After a week of medical testing and figuring out the bodies identification they're families were informed. The funeral held a day after the informant. The case was devasting. People wouldn't have had paid attention to it if it was just a measley car crash though it was clear that along the car crash some sort of assault had occured. This instilled fear in everyone's heart; a serial killer on the lose? A gang? Whatever it was the case had to be solved to give everyone solace. Thus it was single handedly given to the investigators under them a few students from the University of Fine Deviance were working as a part time job. Specifically from the criminology department of crime and deviance.

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