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A soft melody vibrated through the café. Nightfall doing it justice by keeping everything around the building eerily lit while the café beamed with luminous lights. Numerous murmurs of people could be heard, chatting, gossiping or laughing away. The smell of caramel, cake and strawberries wafted in the air. Everything seemed so surreal. The ambiance was everything Felix needed right now; peace.

He waited for about 4 minutes when seungmin opened the door of the café, the little bell above it swinging back and forth signaling someone's arrival. Seeing his friend sitting on the window side table with his head resting in his palm and looking at his phone, he went towards him.

Sensing a presence infront of him Felix looked upwards and smiled widely when he saw seungmin. He was dressed in a navy blue trench coat with black leggings. The buttons of the coat closed so the inside of the shirt couldn't be seen. A beanie on top of his head and mist smearing itself on his friends glasses. He could've passed for a model.

Seungmin on the other hand grimaced when he noticed Felix wearing grey sweatpants and an oversized matching shirt with a black jacket thrown on. He shook his head.

"You could've atleast tried to put in a little more effort in your dressing, Felix"

But only rolled his eyes when Felix stuck his tongue out to him.

As promised Felix was taking seungmin out on a treat. He recently received his first paycheck a few days ago and as an honour he invited seungmin for a chat. After all his friend wanted to experience Felix paying since it was usually him  and jisung who paid for him and jeongin.

The brown haired boy unbuttoned his trench coat, flinging it over his chair and sat on the chair opposite to Felix. He had already informed Felix what he wanted from the menu and the silver haired male had ordered it in advance for him.

The cooling from the AC gave the brown haired boy goosebumps on his skins but he ignored them. He liked the feeling of cold air hitting his skin, it was refreshing.

Both males indulged into light hearted conversation. In the meantime a strawberry smoothie and grilled sandwich for seungmin and a double scoop ice cream along with a molten lava cake for Felix was served by a waiter. Thanking him seungmin dug into his sandwich.

Creamy. Just like how he preferred them.

In the midst of him stuffing his face Felix's mood dampened a Little.

"I'll be having trouble keeping up with UNI and my job, now i have to work for the whole day and prepare for my exams" (Felix)

"Whole day? Why? What about Hyunjin's real secretary?" (Seungmin)

"Madeline? Oh Hyunjin just texted me that Madeline's on a month leave because of some medical issues" (Felix)

"Madeline?" (Seungmin)

"Yeah thats her name Madeline hale" (Felix)

Confusion took over seungmin's face. He has heard that name before. His mind couldn't remember it properly but he remembers her name. He'll go look into her later, she sounds shady. He shouldn't judge her but something about her seems off putting to him.

Shaking the thoughts from his head seungmin again focused his attention on his Aussie friend and starting talking to him.

Madeline could wait he had a friend to spend time with.

(3 years ago)

Department of crime and deviance

2 year crime student: kim seungmin

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