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Hyunjin was glad that felix somehow intentionally or unintentionally managed to calm down the strain atmosphere around them. Both males began eating their respective meals peacefully without disturbing the other with a occasional question asked by Hyunjin which Felix gave a vague reply too. Clearly, not ready to open up fully yet. Which Hyunjin understood or atleast tried too.

Weren't employees eager to know each other to get a better understanding of the work environment?

Hyunjin mentally shook his head. This was no place for him to think about this. he desperately needed Felix to be more or less comfortable around him. Him initiating a small talk with Hyunjin was a step forward. Baby steps. Closely but surely. If he couldn't get Felix to feel comfortable around him then he couldn't continue proceeding with his plan.

To make sure Felix is trained to be a PA; his own personal assistant and then he could fire Madeline. He would have an exceptional replacement and get rid of Madeline, he couldn't think of a more peaceful life.

But for it to work Hyunjin had to make sure that Felix would accept his offer and not try to go for another company. Other than the fact felix was presumably intimidated by Hyunjin, he couldn't think of any other reason for Felix to reject his offer. All he had to do was try to get close with him.

He was deep in thought and didn't realize that the waiter had bought the bill and put it in the middle of the table. Felix did thought of paying it and pick up the bill but ended up putting it in its rightful place when he saw the price. He figured since the dinner was on Hyunjin, he wouldn't have to pay. He cleared his throat breaking Hyunjin out of his own world. Hyunjin didn't even bother looking at the bill and placed his credit card on top, waiting for the waiter to collect it and then to get the meal paid. Just as the waiter took the card away Hyunjin turned to Felix.

His original motive was to address Felix or yongbok in his case and again try to start a conversation but thought better of it when he noticed that Felix had rarely eaten anything on his plate and was to busy sorting through the files Hyunjin gave him. This caused him to frown. Was he giving Felix way to much burden to handle that he possibly lost his appetite and focused more on work. Felix didn't look to stressed to Hyunjin neither did he looked overburdened. Hyunjin figured that Felix mightn't have been that hungry and was dedicated even a fraction of his time to work.

Another positive affirmation to add to his mental list about Felix. He knew recruiting Felix wouldn't be a mistake he was eligible enough to be an exemplary secretary. A stupid soft smile made its way across his face. Thats the third time he's smiled in a day due to Felix. He didn't particularly like smiling to much as it felt to him that people would take it the wrong way.

Hyunjin although was gifted with god worthy visuals, they came with a disadvantage. Even a slight smile, attention or nod from him would result in others thinking he might have an interest in them regardless of their gender ( which Hyunjin didn't really mind it just unnerved him that people only saw his beauty not brains). Same was the case with Madeline. Since her father owned a highly successful company he assumed it would've been rude to ignore her, not treat her nice, spend time with her and all. It backfired on him badly because Madeline took this as an invitation that Hyunjin was interested in her and was only playing "hard to get" just to keep his "reputation". Hyunjin rejected even meeting her in the first place.

Though he'd rejected her on multiple occasions on the pretext of lame excuses. Hyunjin couldn't just come clean about his sexuality to her. That'd put his and his entire companies reputation in danger. Something he evidently wanted to avoid. Korea still wasn't accepting to homosexuality and him being a CEO of one of the biggest companies yet was a huge risk he wasn't ready to take. Unless he did find someone he loves dearly, that might just be the deal breaker but for now he was going to have to pretend to be as straight as a line.

Law Of Proclivity Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora