Bedtime Stories

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The children came back from the carnival, tired and drained from all energy. It was late in the evening when they came back and Annabel was at the door to greet them.

"Let me help you." She grabbed Tam from George who was carrying her and a sleeping Margot.

Sam, Tam and Margot were half awake by the time Annabel finished changing their clothes, taking them to the bathroom and washing them up after their day of fun.

She tucked them all in and was about to turn off the lamp before she got asked to read them a book.

She grabbed one of their favourite books from off the self and sat on the rocking chair to read out loud.

Halfway through, Tam and Margot fell asleep and Sam was about to. He crawled out of his bed and climbed on her lap. He curled himself up and listened to her softly read out loud to him.

Richard limped down the hall to his youngest childrens room to check on them only to find the door already slightly ajar and a dim light coming from it.

He looked inside and his heart and entire body warmed at seeing his son curled up on Annabel's lap while she softly read out loud to him. He understood why Sami saw her as a mother figure. Who wouldn't when she put her heart and soul into taking care of them?

He watched as she closed the book, kissed Sams sleeping head and gently carried him to his bed  and tucked him in.

He, for some reason, panicked at the thought of getting caught peering in, although he did nothing wrong. He quickly took a few steps away, turned back, and made it look like he was just walking up to the door.

Annabel gently closed the door after her and turned around only to bump into someone's chest. A hand flew out and steadied her, pulling her close and she placed her hand on it to steady herself. She looked up to see Richard and a light blush spread across her face. She was glad it was semi dark in the hallway and he wouldn't be able to see her red cheeks.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, thank you for catching me." She stepped away from him.

"How are the kids?" He curled his fingers not holding the cane because he so badly wanted to pull her back to him but stopped himself.

"Sound asleep. They must have really used up all of their energy." She smiled at the thought of the kids laughing and having fun.

"They did, wouldn't sit around for more than two minutes."

"Mr.Pelton I must ask, what did you feed Margot?"

"A hotdog with ketchup and mustard. Why? I shouldn't have right? She's not going to get sick is she?"

She softly giggled and something erupted in his stomach at the melodic sound.

"No, only terribly gassy." She opened the bedroom door and they both peered into it just in time for Margot to let one loose in her sleep.

She giggled again and he chuckled.

"I discovered mustard gets her really gassy and have been avoiding giving it to her like the plague."

"I see, I will keep that in mind."

Silence passed as they looked at each other.

"Right, I also wanted to thank you with Maggie." He blinked and snapped himself out of it.

They began to walk away from the room and further down the hall.

"I was never able to calm her down when her fountain opened up and she was happy and more excited than anyone to be at the carnival."

"Sometimes her emotions and stress get bottled up and then she has a breakdown like that, but that's completely normal for a teenage girl. I remember crying over the silliest things when I was her age."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" He glanced at her with amusement.

"I dropped my ice-cream on the ground and my brother accidentally stepped in it." She laughed at the memory. "I was crying hysterically, but mind you! We only got ice-cream twice a year, so it was very special to me."

Richard laughed and they came to  stop in front of her room.

"You didn't get another one?"

"No, my papa couldn't afforded it then. My brother was forced to share his with me, although he really had no fault in me dropping it. Well, this is me."

She opened the door and slipped in. She turned around and looked up at him with a sweet smile.

"Have a good night Mr.Pelton."

"You too."

She shut the door and he opened his mouth to say something more, but closed it. He didn't even give her her squirrel.

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