A Splash in the Stream

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"He's fully recovered, but he might have a slight limp forever." The doctor packed up his bag.

"But he still uses the cane." Annabel walked him to the door with James.

"Yes that's because he might be subconsciously stopping himself from putting his full weight on his leg in fear that it might hurt him. I can't help him there. That's something he has to get over alone."

"Alright. We thank you for your visit." James handed the doctor the money for his visit and closed the door after him.

"Well that's good to hear." Annabel said to James who nodded at her.

"Yes indeed. The children will be happy their father is okay now." 

"What did the doctor say?" George walked up to them, book in hand, pencil resting on top of his ear.

"He's all healed up, but he'll have a limp." She said.

"That's wonderful news! We should celebrate. There's a social event we have to attend a week from now, I'll raise a toast for him then."

"Whatever this social event is, I'm not going. I don't like social events. Your siblings and I are going out for a picnic though, would you like to join us?" She picked up Margot that came running in, with Sam and Tam chasing after her.

"I would love to, but school starts soon and I'm trying to get ahead of my peers."

"I see, study hard then."

"Always." He kissed her and Margot's cheek before making his way over to his fathers office.

"I'm ready to go, are you?" Maggie came in with her dress and hat. A picnic box in hand.

"Yes, let's head out."

They set up their picnic a ways away from the house and near the stream.

"Help me keep an eye out on your younger siblings and make sure they don't go close to the stream and decide to jump in." Annabel said as she and Maggie set up the checkered cloth and food.

"Why? Can't you swim?" Maggie asked with amusement.

"No, I actually cannot."

"You could do so many things but cannot swim?"

"Can you swim?"

"Well no, but-"

"Exactly, not everyone ca-"

They were cut off by a high pitched scream.

Annabel's blood ran cold as she turned around to find Tam and Margot at the edge of the stream, looking petrified.

"Sam..." Annabel and Maggie jumped up and ran to the two girls.

Sam was flailing in the water as the stream carried him away.

"Saaaam!" Maggie screamed and was about to jump in after him, but was pulled back by Annabel.

"Let me go!"

"No! You cannot swim and I will not have you drown! Make sure the other two don't jump in." Whiteout a second thought, Annabel took her shoes and dress off. Leaving her in her chemise and drawers. She jumped into the water and went after Sam who was going under far longer than being up.

"No! Mama!" Maggie screamed for Annabel and terror corsed through her veins as she watched her try to make her way to Sam. She grabbed Tam and Margot and ran all the way back to the house to get help.

"Papa! Papa!" She screamed into the air as she neared the house.

Annabel kept her eyes on Sams bobbing head and trained her ears on his screams. She pushed forward and called out to him. She was in no way actually swimming, just trying her best.

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