Broken But Back Home

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Annabel sat quietly on the entire train back home. She didn't utter a single word, not to the man collecting the tickets, and not to the couple sitting in front of her asking if she was okay. She was oblivious to the world around her and she longed to be in Richards safe and secure arms; fully knowing that she didn't have the right, as his employee, to want to be in them, but she did. She just wanted to be wrapped up in a big warm hug and never be let go of.

Hours later, and after many stops and switching to other trains, it was finally time for Annabel to get off. The couple that were sitting in front of her and shared all the destinations with her shared worried glances at the state she was in. They really hoped she would be okay. The man got up and helped in bringing her bags down from the over head compartment and after a very very quiet thank you, she grabbed her stuff and left.

Richard sat waiting at the train station hours before it was supposed to arrive. Maybe she had gotten the time wrong? But he knew that deep down he thought if he came early, then maybe she would also magically come back early. He anxiously watched his wrist watch's big hand tick away in anticipation, and just as it ticked to the time the train was supposed to arrive, a train whistle had him up and out of his seat.

He watched as people piled out of the train, looking for his person. His person that really needed him right now. And just like he was somehow drawn to her, he turned around from where he was searching, in the other direction, and his eyes immediately found her, and although she looked tired and worn out, he still found her to be the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.


He weaved through the ever growing crowd on the platform to make his way to her and just like how randomly his head snapped in her direction, hers did too. She was looking down when she suddenly looked up and locked eyes on him amidst the evening crowd.


She left her bags on the ground and took the last few steps to meet him before crumbling in his arms. He protectively wrapped his arms around her somewhat smaller body, both of them nestling their noses in the others neck.

"I'm here." He mumbled when he felt the tears wetting his neck and shirt. "I'm here for you."

She just nodded and they stayed embracing for a while longer, not caring about the world moving around them.

"Let's go home darling."

"Okay." Her quiet broken voice pulled at his heart strings and he so badly wanted to take her pain away, but he didn't know how to, other than just being there for her and lending an ear if she needed someone to talk to.

He picked up her bags, noticing that she came back with an extra one and they headed to the car parked outside.

The ride back to the house was filled with heavy silence. The type of silence that if you tried to break it, things would just get worse, so they just suffocated quietly.

"I'll bring the bags up to your room, don't bother." He told her once they arrived and all he got was a silent nod.

The children were anxiously waiting for Annabel to come back home. Sam and Tam could understand that she might be really sad once she's back and might not want to talk, but Margot, Margot didn't and she was running around in excitement, which was getting on both George and Maggie's nerves.

"Margot! Will you calm down just a little bit?" George groaned.

"You're all sad. Why?" She asked and stopped her running around to observe her siblings.

"Because Mama is sad." Maggie said.

"How do you know she's sad? Did you see her?" Margot tilted her head to the side. George didn't get a chance to reply because the front door opened and in stepped their mother who they haven't seen for nearly two weeks.

"I'm home." She said quietly and looked at all of them with a soft gaze, but there was no hiding the pain and sadness in her eyes and posture. Margot launched herself at Annabel, and instead of usually catching her and spinning her around in happiness, Annabel just let Margot hang on to her torso, before slipping down her legs and falling on the ground.

"Sorry Mar, I don't feel very good right now." She sadly said, but did affectionatly pat the girls head.

"Are you sick?" Margot asked.

"My heart is, but it will feel better after a few days, I'm sure."

"Mama, come down." Margot mentioned for her mother to crouch down and Annabel couldn't deny the innocent girls request. Once she crouched down, Margot leaned on her knees and placed her ear over Annabel's heart. "I'm a doctor, I will tell you if your heart is sick, oh, it's beating very very fast."

"Yes, it does that sometimes." Annabel got up and faced the rest of the children who had sad expressions on their faces. "And why are you all sad? Did you get in trouble with papa?" 

They shook their head no.

"Are you okay mama?" Maggie asked, coming forward.

"I will be."

"Does it hurt your heart?" Sam and Tam asked as they too came up to her and put their arms around her and Maggie.

"It does."

"We'll be here for you." George said, joining in on the group hug.

"Thank you, but I think I'd like to stay alone, just for a little while."

"How long?" Margot asked.

"How long are you willing to give me?" Annabel asked back.

"As long as you need." Richard said from behind, he came up to her and placed a loving kiss on top of her head.

"Thank you every body."

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