Taking Care of Mum

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Annabel was the first off the train when it came to a stop. She saw a few familiar faces in the little city they lived in but she couldn't stay and chit chat, just a quick hello and how have you been's sufficed.

Outside of her mothers apartment door, she took a few deep breaths to calm herself and so she wouldn't startle her mother if she busted in like a maniac.

The door opened and their neighbours was standing there.

"Gosh you startled me! I didn't think you'd come this quick." Mrs.Smith quickly glanced behind her and shut the door so she could talk to Annabel without her mother listening in.

"I-is she okay? How bad?"

"I got the doctor to come out and take a look at her. He doesn't know what's wrong, just that she's very very sick. She's sleeping now in her bed, but she's a cheeky little one and I believe she's faking it just so I could leave and so she could get up."

"Did he say anything about her getting any better?"

"He doesn't know, because he's never seen this illness before."

"Well surly someone has. I'll call all the doctors in this city. Someone must know."

"Dear, even if they did...she, she doesn't have that long."

"W-what?" Annabel's head spun and she held on to Mrs.Smiths shoulder to steady herself.

"I'm sorry. If she continues like this, the high fever will start shutting down her own organs and...well, it's better if you see for yourself. Oh, do you have a cloth? It's best to tie it around your nose and mouth. We don't know if what she has is contagious or not." Mrs.Smith tugged on the cloth around her neck that she had pulled down when she stepped out of the apartment.

"I do, thank you for looking after her until I got her."

"Of course. She's my dear friend." And with that, Mrs.Smith went to her apartment next door and Annabel walked into her mothers.

She put her stuff in her room and took a cloth, tying it around her face to cover her nose and mouth. She took another deep breath and walked into her mothers room, taking a seat on the chair by her bed. She studied her mothers pained face, how red it was, sweat dribbling down her forehead. She didn't have a blanket covering her because of how bad she was burning up. Her skin was blotched in tones of yellow and a deep ugly purple. Her hair was sticking to her head and her clothes to her body.  Annabel brought a large bowl of cold water, filled with ice cubes and dipped a cloth in it before placing it on her mothers forehead.

"I'll take care of you now, you just rest and focus on getting better."

She took a few more towels and placed them along her mothers arms to help in cooling her down.

Her mother didn't wake up until a few hours later when the sun was beginning to set.


"Mother," Annabel said, feeling very glad that she had finally woken up, she was getting worried that she was sleeping for too long. "How are you feeling?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Are you not happy to see me?" She asked playfully.

"It's just, I saw you a few weeks ago."

"I can really feel the love mother." She rolled her eyes but was smiling, happy that her mother feels good enough to be sarcastic.

"How do I look?" Her mother asked, she couldn't really lift herself up to see her discolored body.

"Like the lates fashion trend." Annabel said, picking up the towel off her head and putting it back in the bowl, ringing it, and putting it back.

"That bad, huh?"

"You're going to be okay." She swallowed the lump in her throat, scared that her words might not be true at all.

"What have I always taught you?"

"To never make promises you're not sure you can keep."

"Yes, exactly." Her mother took hold of her hand and patted it. "I know you want me to be okay, but..."

"I made some soup, I'll go get you some. You must be hungry." Annabel quickly said and got up. She didn't like where her mothers sentence was going and decided to change the topic. She hurriedly left the room to get a bowl of soup ready for her mother, and after collecting herself and taking a few deep breaths she went back in.

"You know we're going to have to talk about it." Her mother said immediately.

"I don't want to."

"The doctors don't even know what's wrong with me. I'm sleeping more and more, we both know it's coming."

"I refuse to believe it."

"How are the children?" Her mother changed the subject once she realized she really won't be able to get her to talk about it.

"They're okay. George and Mr. Pelton share their regards with you and wish you a smooth and speedy recovery." Annabel propped her mother up and supported her by placing pillows behind her.

"Ah yes, Richard. How is he? Have you two started planning your weeding yet?"

Annabel sighed and started feeding her some of the soup.

"You really need to stop saying that and getting your hopes up. Mr.Pelton and I are never going to work out."

"And why's that?"

"Look at me mother. And look at him. We're both from two completely different worlds. He needs a strong women by his side, someone that he and his children will love and someone that will get accepted by the society they are in. Not a nanny."

"Last time I checked, all humans came from earth. Unless he's from Mars or something, then I still think you stand a chance. And since when did you look down on the job you loved so much?"

"You know what I mean when I say two different worlds. And I do love my job. It's just...why would he want someone like me to be by his side?"

"Why would he not? You're an amazing women Annabel, and you deserve to be with the man you love. Forget about what other people think, we don't do what we do to please them. Unless you're an actor or singer, which you're not. Follow your heart...and your nose, follow your nose too. It usually leads to food."

The to women stared at each other before bursting out in laughter.

"But you do love him, don't you?" Her mother asked when they were just calming down.

Annabel sat quietly for a moment. She's always been attracted to Richard Pelton. His built physique, his kind eyes and warm smile. She loved the way he cared and worried for her. She loved that he loved his children and wanted the best for them, and how he always tried his best to make time for them. She loved the way her hand felt in his, how his lips felt on hers, and even the way he would secretly glance at her, thinking she wouldn't notice. There were many many things that made her love him and those were only a few she could immediately think of.

"I-I...do love him." She said and looked down at her hands holding the nearly finished bowl of soup. This was the first time she's ever admitted to loving him, and out loud.

"Good to know I have five grand children before I die." Her mother happily said.

"Mother! This is not something to joke about!" Annabel huffed and stuffed more soup into her mothers mouth.

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