Frostbites (p2)

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Annabel couldn't even sit still anymore. Margot crying was what's been on her mind and she couldn't stop worrying.

"Tiffany!" She called out to the girl putting a scarf on her brothers, hers, and George's snowman. Tiffany turned to her and came running over.

"Please look after them for a while. I have to go back inside."

"Okay, take your time." Tiffany said and helped Tam put the three coal pieces on the snowman.

Annabel rushed back inside the hotel and was greeted by Margot crying in the foyer. Rebeca was clearly getting more frustrated with the girl and Richard was just getting more stressed. As if he sensed her, Richard spun around and faced Annabel. He quickly rushed to her.

"Nothing Rebeca is doing is working. What do we do?" He was panicked and freaking out. 

Annabel rushed to Rebeca who was getting even more frustrated with Margot.

"Here, you take her. Nothing I'm doing is working." She angrily huffed and handed Margot to Annabel.

"What have you tried?" Annabel said and bounced Margot on her hips.

"Candy, hot chocolate, toys, it's just not working."

Annabel sighed in annoyance and rushed to the elevator.

"Because that's not how you treat frostbites." She said over her shoulders, Richard rushing after her.

"It's okay. I got you." Annabel said when they reached their floor and placed Margot on the couch on Mr.Peltons side. She immediately began taking Margot's wet, and freezing cold clothes off and threw them in a pile. Richard brought a towel and clothes. 

"Warm water in the tub, please." She told him as she wrapped Margot in the towel. He rushed to the washroom to get the tub ready.

"See, your cold clothes are off. All you need is a nice soak in the warm tub." She picked her up and made her way over to where she heard running water.

"That's a little too hot, add cold water." She said when she tested the rising water in the tub. Richard switched the taps and added cold water. Annabel mixed the water around with her arm and when it was just right she told Richard to turn it off. She unwrapped Margot and placed her gently down in the tub. It wasn't fully filled, only up to Margot's shoulders when she's sitting down. This way, she wouldn't drown.

She immediately stopped crying and just sat sniffling in the tub.

"Does that feel a lot better?" Annabel said, sighing in relief. Margot nodded. Her fingers and toes were still way too cold and frozen to move around, but the warm water was definitely helping.

Richard sat on the floor, knees up and head between his shoulders as all the stress and worry left him. Annabel held his hand in comfort and gave his a reassuring squeeze.

Richard looked at their hands and pulled her down in between his legs.


He turned her around so her back was pressed against his front and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer and resting his chin on her shoulder.

"I just really need a hug right now." He mumbled and wrapped his arms tighter around her. 

Annabel bit her tongue and instead of pushing him away like her brain told her to do, she did what her heart told her.

She shifted away from him and he thought she was pulling away.

"Please Annabel. I just, I really need you right now." He looked at her with pleading eyes. All she did was softly smile, turn around so she was facing him and wrap him up in a tight hug.

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