Thank You

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Thank you for reading to the end of this book. It really means a lot to me, especially when you comment, vote, and give me tips to improve my book.

I'm really proud of myself for finishing this book because I'm a person that starts a project and quits half way because I didn't make myself a plan or something. But this time, I sat down and planned out what each chapters main topic and special scenes were going to be before writing this, so it really helped out in keeping me motivated to write.

How this stories chapter ideas came out on the drawing board and the final draft, are very different, but I'm very happy with how things turned out.

I'd like to apologize for any grammatical error I didn't catch and fix, English isn't my first language!

I'd really love if you gave me your opinions on the book here. Tell me your favorite character, favorite scene, worst scene, things I could improve, something you wanted to see happen, something that shouldn't have happened and why, things like that. That will really help me improve.

I'd like to thank you all again my dear Chicken Nuggets!

With love,


Started Writing: Jun, 14, 2022

Finished Writing: Jul, 25, 2022

First Chapter Published on: Jul, 24, 2022

Last Chapter Published on: Sept, 10, 2022

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