♥ thirty four ♥

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Didn't want to leave you on a cliffhanger for long so- I started writing almost immediately after...

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"S-someones following me!"

"Okay. Calm down-"

"What?!" Jungkook interrupted. I tried to slow my breathing.

"I can't shake them," I mumbled as I took another turn.

"What's happening?" Yoongis voice made an appearance as Jungkook quickly explained.

"Jin! H-how do I get home?" I asked, shaking.

"Listen. Drive to the police station and run inside as fast as you can. Don't stop to look, you bolt straight forward," he said sternly. I nodded silently as I glanced back. Still following. I looked forward and mentally sighed at the lit up police station down the road.

When things seemed to be better all of a sudden my fuel tank flashed empty with a red light, my car coming to a complete stop.

"No no no!" I cried, hitting my steering wheel before unbuckeling quickly.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi asked immediately.

"My tank! It's empty. I can see the police station though. I'm making a run for it," I said quickly, opening my door as the white suv came to a stop behind me.

Slamming the door I turned and sprinted. The rain was still coming down but I ran as fast as I could. I've never ran this fast in my life until today.

At the halfway point I heard the noise I had been dreading. Footsteps. Running at me, full speed. Right at my heels.

I started crying as my breathing grew ragged. My feet were sore already. I was so close...I couldn't give up yet.

I took a deep breath before picking up speed and bolting straight for the door. I swung it open and ran into the lobby, collapsing against the front desk.

"Ma'am?! Are you okay?" The woman at the desk asked quickly, standing up.

"T-tail...exhausted...chase...empty t-tank," I mumbled before everything went dark.

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I woke up in a small room with a cot and a small table and lamp. There were no windows however the blinding lights were enough to wake me up.

"Hello?" I called out, slowly getting off the small bed.

"Ma'am?" the same woman smiled, appearing at the door.

"Where am I?" I rubbed my head.

"You're at the police station miss. You came running in last night muttering something about a tail before you fainted?"

"Yes!" Everything from last night suddenly hit me like a bus. "There was a man chasing me! He was following me in a white suv all the way from Emart. I tried shaking him off but he follow me every turn. I was told to come here but my tank ran out of gas down the road. So I jumped out and ran but he started chasing me on foot," I explained shakily.

"Woah calm down. Miss, no one even passed the police station within 5 minutes after you came in. I didn't see anyone following," she answered warily.

"But I had a tail," I mumbled suddenly aware of my missing phone.

"Did you take my phone?" I asked the woman. She shook her head as I cursed under my breath.

If he got my phone then he got everybody's contact information that was in it...but no. I'm sure I left it in the car. Which is now-

"Can I make a call?!" I jumped up and scrambled out the door. She nodded, following me to the front desk. I took the phone and punched in Jin's number which I had memorized by heart for emergencies. Exactly like this one.

It rung a few times before a shaky voice answered. "Yes? Who is this?" He asked quietly. It made my heart break how worried he sounded.

"Jin? It's me, Y/n."

"Y/n?! YOU LITTLE-" All at once multiple people started shouting and talking over each other or arguing or mumbling. I couldn't tell what was happening but I knew I was going to get worlds worst scolding when they got back.

"Please be quiet!" I called. Immediately the line went silent as I smiled apologetically at the woman.

"Listen. I left my phone in the car on accident after I ran out. I made it to the station but just barely. He jumped out of his car and ran after me!" The line was still quiet as I continued.

"Apparently I fainted against the front desk. I don't know why but then I woke up in one of their resting rooms just now." Jin let out a sigh.

"Thank goodness you're safe. Y/n, you don't understand. We wanted to come to you so bad and almost did. Bang PD had to stop and assure us he would send people to check on you." I smiled at Jins explanation.

"I'm okay now. I'll go straight home," I told them.

"Promise?" He asked. I giggled before answering.

"Yes I promise. Love you guys," I smiled. They murmured shy replies before hanging up.

I smiled and turned to the worried woman. "Everything is fine. I should be able to make it home safely..." I trailed off when remembering my empty car.

As if she was reading my thoughts she smiled warmly. "I already called for someone to come toe it to the nearest gas station. For now I think it would be best to call one of your friends to pick you up," she nodded. I smiled and thanked her before using the phone again to call Minsu.

"Hey I'm at the police station will you come pick me up?" I asked immediately.

"Y/n?! Sunmi told me what happened. I'm on my way right now. Are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine Minsu. I'll be waiting here. And please tell Sunmi and Jugyeong I'm fine." She hummed in response as I hung up and checked the nearest clock on the wall. I still had time for my night shift at the restaurant.

I waited in the lobby until Minsu came bursting through the front doors.

I waved to her before getting up and following her out to her car. As I stepped out I scanned the street, noticing where my car had stopped and its absence. However, there was no white suv.

Shaking my head I followed Minsu into her car and shut the door behind me.

Minsu road in silence, knowing that I didn't really want to talk about. I was thankful she was so understanding about how I felt. I promised myself I would explain everything once I figured it out.

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