♥ fifty two ♥

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I choked on air, tripping over the curb in the parking lot. Jungkook caught me, making sure I didn't fall over as the others looked at me with questionable looks on their faces.


Their questionable looks deadpanned immediately at the mention of another guy.

I cleared my throat. "Uh y-yeah. I know a Suho. Why?"

"I think he said he knows you!"

"Wait. Are you saying-? SUHO IS YOUR SOULMATE?!" I shouted, making the others flinch as I was pushed into the car.

"Yes! I'll tell you more when you get back. Have fun with your boys! And do me a favor and don't come back pregnant. I have enough to deal with already," she sighed.

My cheeks heated up as I quickly hung up on her.

"So. Who's Suho and why are you blushing?" Jimin asked as soon as my phone was put away.

I looked up my small smile dropping as soon as I noticed the car was stopped on the side of the road and they were on staring at me, jealousy smeared all over their faces.

I decided to tease them a little. "Suho? I don't know what you're talking about."

Namjoon looked dead serious as he glared into my soul.

"I'm serious. Just keep driving Jin. There's nothing to talk about," I motioned for him to drive but he sat still. I crossed my arms and pouted, leaning against the seat.

Taehyung unbuckeled and climbed over so he was hovering over me. He didn't look like a sweet innocent boy like I originally thought.

He looked...terrifyingly serious. A cold look glazing his eyes as his tongue slid across his lips.

"Y/n. No games. Be serious," he ordered, raising my chin.

I grinned despite my inner terror. "Or what?"

He leaned in quickly, attacking my lips in a rough kiss. Biting gently on the skin of my bottom lip, making me whine.

"Taehyung calm down. One more chance until this happens to her seven times," Yoongi said.

Tae pulled away, a desirable look in his eyes. I took a breath, my lips feeling swolen already.

"So. Suho?" I glanced at Jungkook who looked upset.

"S-suho is just a co-worker," I panted, still trying to catch my breath.

Taehyung captured my lips again in a vicious kiss. When he leaned away, a string of saliva followed his lips from mine.

"That's for working us up," he growled as the car started moving again.

"Don't do it again," Jimin warned from beside him.

I nodded quickly as they went back to their original spots and acted like nothing happened.

"Oh my god," I mumbled under my breath, touching my red lips.

"First of many," Yoongi whispered from beside me. I rolled my eyes, leaning on his shoulder.

"I get it. Never tease you guys whatever," I muttered. He chuckled, pressing a small kiss to the top of my head.

"That however doesn't go both ways," he stated plainly. I wrinkled my nose in confusion.

"What does that mean?"

"It means we get to tease you all we want, wherever we want," he smirked before continuing his staring contest with the window.

I frowned. Why do they get to tease me and I don't? That's so unfair.

"Life is unfair like that sweetie," Jimin giggled, turning around to face me.

I flinched at the sudden confrontation before tilting my head.

"Uh I didn't say anything Minnie," I told him. He frowned in confusion.

"Yeah you did. You were complaining about how it's unfair we get to tease you!"

Jin parked the car at the hotel and they all started piling out. "Ooh its chilly out here. Does everyone have their coats?" Namjoon asked. There were answers of agreements but I was staring deep into Jimins eyes.

How would he-?

"Y/n? Jimin? Sometime in this century please," Jin knocked on the car side, snapping us both out of it so we'd scramble from the car.

Once in the chilly air, I realized I didn't have a coat with me. However it didn't really matter when it felt like I had a fire burning from the very inside of me.

The warmth of the mental blanket I felt the first time on the plane had surrounded me again but this time it was in my head. My head was swarmed with a warm sprinkle of water, my thoughts suddenly turning into small minnows and other fish.

I grabbed Jimins arm and pulled him to the side.

"Listen. I didn't say that out loud!"

"Yes you did! How else would I have heard you?" He argued.

"Jimin! Think man! Do you wonder why you aren't shivering right now with just a sweater on?!" I asked. He thought for a moment before opening his mouth to speak. Then shutting it right after like a goldfish.

"I think- this is your soulmate spark..."
.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Short chapter! But I felt rushed to get this chapter out so here ya go sorry for some of the errors

Lmk and I'll fix them!

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