♥ seventy three ♥

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"I can't believe we get to spend the day sightseeing!" Nayeon giggled, clapping her hands excitedly.

The managers this morning had surprised all the staff with a day off. I couldn't say the same about the boys though who had to stay behind and go to a few meetings.

"I know...is there something you've been wanting to do?" I asked her.

She thought for a moment before grinning. "Shopping!"

"You're just like Jugyeong," I laughed before she dragged me to a nearby store.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

After a literal 3 hours, store after store, Nayeon finally gave in to taking a food break.

"So where should we eat?" She asked, searching the small plaza we were currently shopping in.

"I have no clue," I grumbled, trying to balance the weight of all the shopping bags between my two hands and arms.

"There! A cafe!" she pointed across the busy plaza, making me groan. "Oh come on it's not that far."

"Says the one who is carrying nothing but their balenciaga bag." I scowled as she skipped ahead of me.

"What was that?" she grinned, already halfway across the road.

"Nothing you'd want to hear," I shouted back. She frowned but instantly smiled once she got to the cafe door.

I quickly caught up, following her inside and dropping into a pastel colored booth. I smirked at Nayeon who was clearly having trouble reading anything.

"What's the problem?" I asked, innocently bashing my eyelashes.

Her face morphed into confusion before turning to me. "I can't read anything," she pouted.

"If I help, you have to carry some of the bags," I suggested. Her stomach rumbled before she eventually gave in.

After explaining the WHOLE menu to her, she finally decided on what she wanted. "Just macaroons?!" I rubbed my head in annoyance. It had taken a full 10 minutes to describe everything in full detail and she just wanted macaroons.

I got up and went to the counter after she nodded excitedly. "Hello, how may I help you?" the young girl at the counter asked.

"May I have an order of 10 macaroons, please?"

She nodded before tapping something into the small screen in front of her.

"You're order number seven. Please wait until it's called."

I nodded and went to sit down by Nayeon who was frowning and watching the window. I turned and frowned as well. It looked like it would rain soon.

"Last on the list was the eiffel tower right? Why don't we head that way while eating the macaroons?" I suggested.

She brightened up at the idea before nodding. "Sounds good," she grinned.

"Seven!" I got up again from the booth before going up to the counter and grabbing the small, colorful box.

"Nayeon, let's go," I nodded with my head to the door as we each evened out the bags between us. Now it was a lot easier to walk.

We walked in comfortable silence, enjoying the french treats. "So you can speak french?" she asked curiously.

I nodded before continuing. "And Spanish, English, Japanese and Chinese." Her jaw dropped.

"Seriously? Wah you're so cool!"

"Not as cool as you with your dior accessories, chanel dress, and...hey how the hell can you afford all that?" I suddenly asked. She giggled.

"It's all thanks to my sister," she giggled, flashing her stylish flats.

My lips pursed as I tried not to feel bad for myself. My sister would never do anything like that. She hated my guts I'm sure.

"Hey look it's the eiffel tower!" Nayeon smiled brightly, running up to one of the legs and feeling it.

"What's so exciting? It literally is just a bunch of metal bars," I mumbled under my breath so she wouldn't hear.

"This is so cool!" she giggled, taking a bunch of pictures in front of it. I walked to the dead middle of it, looking up.

I gotta admit it is kinda impressive. Even if it is just a bunch of metal bolts and bars.

We were able to go up one of the elevators and admire the city from up high.

"Wow. Maybe if I didn't live in Seoul I'd live in Paris," I thought out loud.

Nayeon frowned before muttering, "maybe if I could speak French I'd live in Paris." I chuckled at her small pout before leaning forward and over the rail.

Nayeon quickly grabbed my waist and pulled me away from the rail. "Your soulmates would kill me if you died!"

I sealed my lips, trying not to smile at her crazy thoughts. "Uh I think they'd be at my funeral. Not planning your murder."

She thought before smiling. "Hey you're right! Plus I'd run so they would never find me," she shrugged, turning back to the rail. I noticed the sun was getting lower and less bright, notifying me it was late afternoon.

"Speaking of soulmates, I wonder if they all got to do anything fun today?"

Nayeon shrugged. "I hope so. They're always in meetings and when they're not, they are all extremely exhausted."

"How long have you worked at BigHit?" I suddenly asked. She bit her lip in thought before standing up straight.

"I think this is my 4th year." I nodded before looking around the monument.

"We should probably head down now. I think the boys had something to show me tonight," I told her, making my way to the elevator. She caught up, grinning like the cheshire cat.

"Ooh I wonder what they want to show you." she winked multiple times until I understood the hidden meaning.


.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

We got to the bottom of the tower and started making our way to the hotel, which happened to be nearby.

It was when we stopped to look at a few windows of stores that I knew something was wrong.

Everything felt wrong actually. Looking around, I noticed a familiar figure that made me do a double take.

"Nayeon we have to go. Now." I demanded, starting to pull her towards the hotel as quick as these heavy shopping bags would let me.

I glanced back at the figure and realized I made a big mistake. Once we made eye contact of course.


.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Hi! Sorry for the much awaited chapter but here it is! I was busy all this morning with vocal lessons 😔 but im here now!

Enjoy loves!

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