♥ sixty four ♥

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From now on English will be bold and French will be this font.

"Hey sleepy heads. Wake up," I clearly heard Jin's voice but I was way too comfy. I snuggled further into my body pillow, shielding my eyes by pushing my face into the nice smelling warmth.

"I can't wait to see her reaction when she gets up," Taehyung and Jungkook giggled from somewhere behind me.

I swatted at the air, groaning once someone grabbed my hand and pressed a kiss to my knuckles.

"Go away," I mumbled, peeking an eye open.

"Lovebirds~ we're in Paris. This city of loooooove!" The maknaes sang at the same time.

I internally rolled my eyes before furrowing my eyebrows. Lovebirds? Who are they-

I shot straight up, running into Jin's arm in the process. I groaned rubbing my head.

Immediately all the others also rubbed their heads in pain.

"You guys can stop teasing now," I pouted, dropping my hand.

They looked just as confused as me though. Turning to my right I saw what they had been joking about.

Yoongi laid peacefully, looking like quite the lil meow meow. Except the position his arms were in proved he was holding something. Me.

Blushing I stood up and shook his shoulder while pressing on the lever to raise our chairs.

"Yoongi wake up. We have to get off the plane," I demanded, grabbing my bag.

At my stern voice, he rubbed his eyes and got up, lazily slinging his backpack on and following me out.

"Wow he actually listened," Jimin joked.

Yoongi held up a finger as we exited the plane.

The others gasped dramatically, giving Yoongi the satisfaction he wanted.

We exited into a private room that only had staff members. However as soon as we did, Sora came skipping up to me.

I'm going to say it now, she looked like a doll. Loads of way too much makeup stained her face.

"Hi y/n! How was your flight?" She asked as I grabbed my suitcase from the man unloading our stuff.


"Peachy? What does that mean?" She asked, falling in step with me.

"It means it was great without you," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" She asked immediately.

I stopped walking and took a deep breath before exhaling.

"It means I had a good flight. Now if you excuse me I have to help load into the vans."

I quickly escaped from the pestering girl and put my suitcase along with other staffs luggage in the back of the large van.

Namjoon appeared beside me suddenly, making a wave of relief wash over me.

"Joon why hasn't Sora been held or interrogated yet?" I asked quietly.

"We're currently out of range of the police who deal with this kind of stuff so we have to wait until we're back in Korea. Till then though, the company is keeping an eye on her to make sure she doesn't get too close."

My shoulders slouched at that. That's stupid the police won't handle it here.

"Anyways is it possible I can share a room with Jungkook here?" I asked, hopeful.

I had handmade his present and it had taken me quite awhile in Nrw York but I got it done in time.

"Why?" He asked suspiciously.

"It's his birthday tomorrow and I have something to give him," I smiled. His dimples appeared, suddenly distracting me from my previous question.

"Sure. I'm pretty sure you were supposed to be with Hobi but he won't mind. We'll switch up a few things for you," he ruffled my hair.

I smiled but still couldn't look away from his eyes. I tilted my head in confusion.

"What?" He asked.

"Why are you so handsome?" I blurted out before slapping my hands over my mouth. He got shy as he reached to scratch his nape.

Looking down, a pink tint appeared on his cheeks as his dimples reappeared.

"Oh my god I don't know where that came from. Im sorry," I apologized, embarrased.

He shook his head with a charming smile. "No its fine. I appreciate it."

"Don't you get that from girls a lot? Like every day?" I asked, opening my vans door.

"Yeah but it's different coming from my soulmate," he grinned, reaching to hold my chin and tilt my head up.

He gave me several tiny pecks on my lips before letting go.

"Not too much in public," he warned once I had wined at the loss of contact.

I sighed, dropping my shoulders.

"Fine fine. I'll see you at the hotel," I gave him a hug before hopping in the van, this time sitting by Nayeon.

"Hey y/n! I've barely seen you this whole trip," she giggled as I buckled up.

"I know right. I've been really busy," I frowned, thinking of how packed we're about to be.

"I wonder if we'll have any freebie tomorrow," she thought outloud.

I hope so. Otherwise when will I get time to give Jungkook his present?

"I'm sure we will," I assured her with a pat on her shoulder.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

The staff happened to get to the hotel before the boys so we were granted access to our rooms early.

I stopped once I was in the lobby. Holy cheese and crackers.

The interior was 10 times nicer than the exterior which was already way past my standards. The floors were a white marble while the high ceiling had white chandeliers hanging from the high ceilings, giving it an old Victorian feeling.

The tall walls were decked with an old, gorgeous floral design with gold wall trims and other silver accents.

The place screamed rich and I wondered how in the world anybody who wasn't a million dollar celebrity could stay here.

"Hello ma'am. Do you need help finding your room?" I turned to the welcoming voice.

It was a man wearing bellhop attire. I squinted my eyes at the name tag he had pinned to his velvet red vest.

"No thank you Beau. I'm sorry for staring but this place is just so wonderful," I apologized with a quick bow.

He smiled at me before leaving and retreating into a golden room marked Staff only.

I turned and made my way to the golden lined elevators. I clicked the floor marked 17. The button was also a white marble, much like the floor but had a diamond outline.

I tried very hard not to think about what this company was paying for us all to stay here.

The elevator dinged, notifying me of the arrival to floor 17.

I made my way down the red velveted hall to room 7417.

I swung the door open and froze.

Cue the jaw drop.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

I'm so happy these chapters are better than 62 jeez. I hope you all liked the visuals from the last chapter and are now able to visualize what the characters look like! Love you all 💕

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