♥ eighty three ♥

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"Ok I know we just got to China and all but we already needed to call this meeting for an important reason." The other 6 stared at us blankly. 

"Important reason? Already?" Jungkook tiredly reached up to ruffle his hair.

"Yes," Hobi answered for me. I nodded along, glancing at the many soft faces around me. Why did I feel so cruel for doing this?!

"Well if Namjoon and I are right about the soulmate spark...we already know four of them." 

I should have braced myself.

"FOUR?!" They all shouted at the same time. 

"Wait how?"


"Um, I feel a bit offended."

"Will you guys calm down please?" I called, making them all shut their mouths and sit quietly. "I have four," I paused and cleared my throat, waiting for an outburst. When none came, I took it as my cue to keep going. "The first, if we are correct, was Taehyung on the plane. I somehow felt calm and fuzzy inside."

They nodded as if this wasn't news to them. "Then who? Cause that's the only one we know about," Namjoon added, crossing his arms and adjusting his glasses.

"Well, actually the first one was me. If I gave myself a paper cut right now...or if I stubbed my toe, you all would feel it." 

"Wait actually?" Taehyung asked with wide eyes. We all looked toward him, wondering if he was actually this slow or playing dumb. 

"Yes, Tae. Would you like to test it?" I asked.

He started to nod but the others got to him first. 

"NO NO NO!" 

"I don't want to lose my toe!" Jungkook wined, making me snort. 

"I'm not actually going to guys. It hurts me too." They returned to their seats, leaving a terrified Taehyung in a curled ball. 

"So you and Taehyung. Then who are the other two?" Yoongi asked, leaning forward.

I turned back to the others and smiled weakly. 

"Jimin and Hobi."

"WHAT?!" They all shouted at once, turning to the two guilty faces.

"To be fair I didn't even know if it was a spark or I was just making lucky guesses!" Jimin defended himself, standing up and hiding behind me.

"Lucky guess?" 

"Man you all have a lot of questions," I sighed, rubbing my head.

"And who's fault is that?" Yoongi asked quickly, making me shy away in embarrassment.

"I can read her mind," Jimin stated proudly, peeking over my shoulder.

Jungkook and Jin burst out laughing. He frowned, standing up straight.

"What's so funny?"

"Jimin? Reading minds?" Jin hesitated before doubling over in his famous windshield laugh that...honestly made me smile.

"It's true!" he protested, lightly hitting Jungkook in the side of the head.

"Yah! Don't hit me!" Jungkook cried, jumping onto him and beginning a wrestling match on the floor.

"How does anything get done when you all are together?" I questioned, earning a shrug from Hoseok.

"Ok guys stop! Seriously I'm tired, you're tired. And I want to hear Y/n's reasoning." Namjoon frowned at the younger ones.

I smiled once the two stopped fighting. "Yes Jimin can...read my mind," I stated, shivering a little at the realization. He smirked, sending me a wink that made not only my cheeks but my insides blush.

"And Hoseok can make me tell him anything." The room went silent.

"You mean, hypothetically, if you stole a cookie from the cookie jar and ate it...you couldn't lie to Hobi-Hyung about it? You would just...flat out admit you stole the damn cookie?!" Jungkook asked, getting louder the more he thought about it. 

I shook my head plainly, not too happy about my inability to lie either.


"Really cool and all but why didn't you tell us? I don't know about the others but I feel kind of disappointed some of us were left out of this conversation," Jin almost whispered, his hand gently making its way to his heart.

My heart broke at the sudden waves of pain and sadness flowing from the soft man. I crept closer and cradled him in my arms.

"I didn't want to get any hopes up if we weren't right..." I explained quietly but knew that was no excuse for the large secret. "I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have and believe me when I say I am so so sorry. Please don't be mad," I pouted, crouching down to squish his cheeks. He tried to keep a straight face but failed miserably once I pressed a small kiss to his lips.

"Still Jin is right. We're all a family. We should be included in this too. Especially when we've been trying to figure it out," Namjoon added, patting my shoulder. I looked up and nodded, a small smile on my face.

"I won't hide anything else."

"You can't." I glanced at Yoongi before tilting my head. 

"What? What do you mean I can't? Who are you to tell me what to-" 

"He meant we'll just ask Hoseok Hyung," Jungkook cut in before I popped off on Yoongi.

"Oh-" I blushed embarrassed I was just about to beat up the little kitten. He smirked, patting my head.

"Ok, I'm going to take a quick power nap."

"And by quick you mean we'll see you tomorrow at dinner right?" Jimin called as he left the room. Yoongi snorted as if it was the funniest thing he had ever heard before leaving.

"You guys are something," I smiled, standing up and fluffing up Jin's soft hair.

Jungkook and Taehyung grinned at me before giggling at each other.


"SHOW US THE SPARKS!" they begged at the same time. Jimin smiled, grabbing my arm and pulling me flush against his chest.

"Don't have to ask me twice," he smirked before his hands gripped my waist.

"Think of the dirtiest thing you can sweetheart," he whispered, making me burst into flames. I hid my face in his shirt, groaning as my dirty-ass mind came up with something.

He grinned, turning to the others before I slapped a hand over his mouth.

"NOT TODAY!" I cried, sprinting from the room to lock myself in mine.

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

First, before you yell at me for the EXTREMELY late update...LET ME EXPLAIN!

Okay...well it's gonna sound kinda stupid now when I'm literally writing it down...but keep an open mind for me!

I uh- wrote this chapter last week and...forgot to publish it? Hehe...this whole week I kinda sorta maybe thought this chapter was already posted. DON'T HATE ME I'M SORRY!


P.S. Bro you have to imagine though I totally flipped when I saw it was still a draft.

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