Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

(Picture of the inimate dinner Dimitri planned--------->)


            “He just told me he was shutting himself down. He refused to look at me and he was shaking from head to toe, he denied being injured and his fangs had lengthened. Then he said not to disturb him until morning and to protect as usual.”  Stavos did not hide his confusion over the previous night’s conversation with Dimtri as he explained the situation to Gustav in the kitchen. Irina was busy making something that smelled really good. “I mean we only do that when we are severely injured.” He continued, trying to understand what happened to cause Dimitri to literally die for at eight to twelve hours.

            Gustav exchanged a knowing glance with his wife then turned his attention back to Stavos. “I know we only shut off so to speak when we are injured, but we also do it to curtail extremely strong emotions or desires as well. You were so distressed when you woke me up last night you did not calmly try to look at the situation from all angles. Since Dimitri blocked all of us out, he obviously wanted privacy to do something he didn't want to share.”

            Gustav smiled up at his wife as she placed thick slices of French toast on a plate in front of him and continued. “I saw his cell phone next to him on the bed and checked to see if he was talking to someone, and he was. He was talking to Caleb for the better part of three hours. I think that Dimitri’s desire for his mate got the better part of him last night.”

            Irina set a steaming plate in front of Stavos and added. “Don’t even say what you are about to say. When you have mate, easing the desire with any other than your mate does not work.” She patted in him the shoulder and went to clean up the cook top.

            Stavos just shook his head and dug into his breakfast. If being in an emotional strop so intense you had to die to turn off the intensity, he was glad he did not have a mate.

            Caleb sat in the laundry room of his apartment building and waited for the last load to dry. He yawned again. He wanted to get his chores out of the way to go and pick out an outfit for tonight and hopefully come back to catch a few hours of sleep. He was tired after a restless night. He kept picturing Dimitri’s face and kept hearing his voice gliding over his body like a silky caress. He felt all hot and his body was so hard it tingled. He tried to cope with feelings that were so new and alien to him. He yawned again and stretched just as the dryer buzzed and he got up to retrieve his clothes. He had rummaged through her wardrobe and found nothing that appealed to him. He filled the basket to take the clothes back to his apartment to put them away.

            Dimitri sat in the side if his bed and ran the palm of his hand across his face, feeling the stubble of hair across his cheek.  He got up and padded across the ankle deep carpet to his en suite bathroom to wash his face. He decided to shave while he was at it. He didn't have any pressing issues or appointments this morning at the office and to tell the truth he did not feel like going in. He purposely blocked any thoughts of Caleb from his mind this morning as much as he could. He did not need to inflict the previous evenings stress on his system.

            He was pulling a polo shirt over his head when he heard Gustav enter the room and greeted him.

            “Good morning.” He managed and accepted the bottle of blood from him; he walked over to the chair and sat down heavily.

            “You need to sleep a little longer to shake it off.” Gustave said as he critically eyed him over. 

            Dimitri smiled and replied.  “I will be fine in a minute.” He went on to inform Gustav of his plans for the evening and asked to have everything ready in accordance to his wishes.

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