Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

(Picture of Irina--------------->

Flabbergasted and pissed off, Caleb changed out of his pajamas to the more suitable jeans and a t-shirt. He ran to the bathroom and ran a brush through his hair and grabbed his wallet and keys. He slipped his feet into some flip flops was he was out the door, no way was Dimitri going to do this to him again. Just when things were heating up he disappeared again. Well this was going to stop. It's either going to happen or not, and if he was not going to see to his needs to then he was going to leave him alone.

Dimitri had simply disappeared after his eyes changed colors. The last time he showed him his eyes they were glowing red. Caleb wondered what the colors meant. He was more than ready to be with him, if he had just explained. Dimitri had said he would let him get comfortable and when he did, he simply vanished, leaving him once again on an empty couch. Well he knew exactly where Dimitri was going to be and he was going to explain it to him, he thought as he pulled to a stop at the ornate gate house to Star Island. Caleb gave his name and where he was going and watched as the guard called the house. There went his element of surprise; he just hoped that he would let him in. He smiled as the guard handed him back his drivers' license and opened the gates.

Caleb pulled up to the gates of Dimitri house and they swung silently open. He felt even more out of place when he got out and glanced back to his little car sitting in the gorgeous driveway. He had just placed his foot on the top step when the door was opened by the ever efficient Gustav.

"Good evening Mr. Tanner." Gustav said as he stepped aside and ushered him into the grand foyer.

"Good evening. Can you tell Dimitri I wish to see him please?" Caleb said politely.

Before Gustav could respond a feminine voice said. "I will take care of him from here."

Caleb looked around and saw one of the most stunningly beautiful women he had ever laid eyes on and felt a jolt of panic before the woman slid her arm around Gustave waist and explained. "Dimitri is above stairs; lets' give him a minute. I am Irina Gustav's mate."

Gustav excused himself at his wife's insistence and Irina led Caleb back towards the kitchen and offered him a seat at the counter.

"Well I was just making some tea. Would you care for some?" Irina asked.

"Not really. I just want to talk to Dimitri. I don't mean to be rude, but I need him to talk to me and explain...never mind. Could you just get him please?" Caleb said anxious to get the air cleared.

"Honey, I understand more than you think. I am Vampire as well, but I am also a mate. Dimitri is having difficulty dealing with the fact that you are human. He wants to protect you and doing so means from even himself as well. When Vampire males are dealing with controlling their base nature and desires their defense is to get away from what triggered it." She knowingly explained.

Caleb listened and it finally struck him. "So you are saying he desires me, and because he is a Vampire he would have attacked me or something?"

"Not necessarily attack you. You are his mate, but being human complicates it. The male of our kind has to bite his human mate and take his or her blood three different instances, and then she or he has to choose him, and to do so he or she must take his blood to complete the process of the turn and mating ritual. He wants you to be sure, but when he his close especially in an intimate setting the drive to bite is the strongest." She said placing a cup of tea in front of him. "Tell me did you see his eyes before he left you?"

"They were glowing silver. What does that mean? When he revealed himself to me the other day, they were glowing red." Caleb said absently turning the delicate cup in circles in front of him. He was happy at least that someone was answering his questions, but he wasn't too sure about the taking of blood thing. He guessed that Dimitri did the right thing in leaving. Did he care enough to tie himself like that to him because it sounded a lot like a marriage this mating ritual?

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