Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

(Pic of the sexy twins Ayden and Ahron-------->) 

            Stavos made his way across the foyer to the stairway. He climbed the stairs and proceeded down the darkened hall to Dimitri’s bedroom.

            “You have been holed up here all weekend? Do you plan to let yourself go to rot or what?” he said as he unceremoniously entered the bedroom without knocking.

            Dimitri rose on perfect eyebrow as he looked up at his friend. “What you can’t find some delicious little thing to keep you amused for the weekend?”

            “Touché, but really are you going to worry this issue to death about Caleb. I am sure you are charming him towards making the right decision.” Stavos said as he seated himself into one of the plush chairs and crossed his ankles, totally relaxing his muscular frame.

            “But is it really the right decision?” Dimitri sighed.

            “I understand what you are saying but do you really think that fate is so cruel that they would create two beings for one another, but never give them the chance to be together because one cannot accept the other. If her deciding to be with you the n isn’t it meant that she was meant for our way of life.”Stavos replied. 

            '”You are getting deep in your old age. I see your point of view. Listen I am going to go and see Caleb tonight. So you have the remainder of the evening free to pursue your interests.” Dimitri said with a smirk.

            Stavos smiled and levered his powerful body from the chair. He gave a mocking little salute before exiting the room and making his way back towards the kitchen. Half way there he picked up  on Irina's voice talking he presumed on the phone coming from his intended room. He knew Irina had heard his approach so it was too late to avoid the room. He sighed heavily and continued on.

            He wondered from the tone of voice what had her so upset, but before he could scan her or go into the kitchen to inquire what was wrong he was interrupted by Marcos.

            “I wanted you to be informed. There was a young man snooping around Mr. Tanner's car. I followed him inside and he hovered in front of her door, it looked like he was listening from outside. He hurried off when I deliberately came down the hall.” Marcos informed him.

            “Find out who he is and let me know, make sure nothing happens to him. Dimitri will not be pleased.” Stavos said then disconnected the call. He turned on his heel and went back the way he came. He needed to inform Dimitri, especially since he is planning to go over there tonight.

            “Marcos called about some guy hovering outside of Caleb’s door a moment ago. He ran off when he made his presence known” Stavos said as he entered the room.  He didn’t get a chance to say anymore because Dimitri dissolved and disappeared into thin air. Stavos let out a weary sigh it has been a long time since he projected. He knew exactly where Dimitri was going so he closed his eyes and followed.

            Caleb poured the contents of the saucepan into a bowl and put the pan into the sink and turned on the tap to fill it with water. He picked up the bowl and walked to the table and sat down, he was on his second mouthful of soup when Dimitri materialized out of thin air followed by just seconds by Stavos. Spoon frozen halfway to his lips he watched as they walked swiftly to his front door and opened it to proceed into the hall. He put the food spoon down and got up to follow them into the hall. They were halfway down the corridor conversing in hushed tones.

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