Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

(Sexy Marcos, Caleb's bodyguard--------->) 

  Dimitri walked into the kitchen to find Irina at the stove flipping pancakes and Gustav setting the table. He greeted both of them and thanked Gustav for handing him a steaming mug of coffee. Taking a seat at the table he enjoyed his first sip of Java.

 "Has Stavos made an appearance yet this morning? I haven't heard a peep out of him since yesterday evening?" Dimitri asked his friends.

 Irina smirked and exchanged a knowing glance with Gustav. "He slept in, as a matter of fact I went looking for the twins this morning and I couldn't find them. I wonder where they have gotten to?" She voiced with fake innocence.

 Gustav could barely contain his glee. "I am sure I know where there are, I just hope they survived their over night endeavors." He stated as he took a seat across from Dimitri.

 Dimitri almost choked on his coffee. "You mean to tell me that those two have been with Stavos all night, they succeeded in penetrating his armour?" He asked incredulously.

 "I am not one to spread rumors." Gustav stated with a straight face and Dimitri guffawed at that comment, knowing full well it definitely wasn't true. No one gossiped more than his friend, especially with the encouragement of his beautiful mate.

 Just as he was going to open his mouth to say something Ahron and Ayden made an appearance in the entrance way to the spacious kitchen. "Good Morning." They chirped in unison before making there way to the counter to help Irina serve up the food on platters to be placed on the table.

 Stavos wasn't even five minutes behind them as he entered the kitchen with an easy stride. Everyone watched aptly as he glanced at the boys and they flushed prettily pink at his glance. No one missed the fact that Ahron broke away and handed him a mug of coffee while Ayden handed him a napkin, both of them brushed against him discreetly and flushed some more before going back for the dishes of food. Dimitri had to step on Gustav's foot to keep from commenting. Irina just kept her gaze down, but you couldn't miss the small smile on her lips.

 Everyone settled around the table to eat and  again no one missed the fact that the twins pulled their chairs closer to Stavos, almost sitting practically in his lap. Once the food was dished out and everyone was eating, Dimitri bit the bullet and asked what was on his mind. "So then, are you guys together now?"

 Three sets of eyes turned his way, two set of mischievous blue and one steely gray. Stavos simply answered. "Yes." His jaw clenched, as if expecting what Gustav was no doubt going to start in on at any moment. Dimitri raised a brow in surprise when Gustav refused to take the bait. Especially when both boys each laid their heads on Stavos massive shoulders. Irina couldn't help but to say "aww" at the sight of them. Stavos rolled his eyes and the boys just wrapped their arms around his huge biceps and snuggled into him more. Under all that blustering and glaring Dimitri could see that he was really pleased, happiness glinting in his usually chilly gaze. Dimitri felt a yearning deep in his chest for his own mate. He wondered what Caleb was up to this morning. For the last couple of days he had to work as well as straighten out his classes for next  semester at his school. Maybe if his own schedule permitted it, he would surprise his love with lunch today. Dimitri smiled at the thought and excused himself to finish getting ready for his day at the office. Stavos followed suit, the twins stayed behind to help Irina and Gustav clear the kitchen.

 Caleb studied his course schedule as he made his way across campus back to his car. He had met with his Student Adviser and he was so relieved that these where the last classes he had to take towards completing his degree. The smile on his face could rival the brightness of the morning Miami sun. He was busy checking the time schedule when someone bumped roughly into him causing him to drop everything in his hands. He scowled and looked right into the malicious black eyes of tall raven haired woman. She was absolutely stunning, but the sneer on her face ruined her beauty. "Watch where you are going, fairy." She snarled and Caleb's frown deepened. He decided to ignore her crudeness and bent down to pick up his keys and schedule. He cried out in shock and pain when her foot stomped down on his hand. She bent over to glare into his face. "I know you think you have him, but I am here to tell you that he always been meant for me, not even my stupid sister who thought she was his mate could take him from me, and you, you stupid human think that you can. I will remove you from the face of the earth. You better be glad he has your pathetic ass guarded but he can't have eyes on you all the time." The woman snarled and just as abruptly as she appeared, she was gone. Caleb sat back on his butt right there on the ground and cradled injured hand to his chest. He was more than confused, she must be referring to Dimitri because she used the word mate and she mentioned her sister. 

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