Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

***A/N, okay loves this is the last chapter of Rescue Me (sniffle, sniffle). Thank you all my beautiful fans for supporting this story. The Epilogue wi;ll be posted soon. I hope you like it, let me know what you think. All my love, ladydianna, xoxo*****

(Dreamy Dimitri------>)


  Flipping over in the massive bed onto his back, Caleb kicked the covers off of his overheated body. Dimitri’s cotton t-shirt clung to his sweat soaked skin. He felt like my whole body was on fire, and I wanted Dimitri, he felt like he needed him, his fingers itched to feel Dimitri’s hot skin, to run his hands over every square inch of his magnificent body. He sat up feeling extremely lonely in the middle of the big bed; glancing at the nightstand at the little clock there, he saw that it was just little after three on the morning. He slid to the side of the bed and scooted off the high bed frame, his feet sinking into the plush carpeting of the floor. Padding his way over to the bathroom, Caleb turned on the light and made his way to the glass enclosed shower stall. He shrugged out of the t-shirt and boxers he had worn to bed, stepping into the shower he set the temperature of the water to cold, he hissed as the frigid water cascaded over his overheated body.

 A short while later he turned off the taps and grabbed a towel off the rack, he quickly dried off feeling better and much cooler but his desire for his man didn’t fade in the least. He made his way back into the master suite and sat down on the side of the bed with just the towel wrapped around his waist, he stared off into space and wondered why he was torturing himself as well as Dimitri, and from what he was told, Dimitri was suffering the heat of the bond right along with him. He sat there and thought about living his life with Dimtiri forever, the mere thought made him happy. Ever since Dimitri came into his life he was a happier person and he felt that he finally belonged to someone, that he wasn’t an obligation to be taken care of until they didn’t have to have the responsibility anymore.  Dimitri loved him, brought him into his family. Irina mothered him and Gustav pampered him while Stavos protected and watched over him. The twins he was still getting to know, they were like naughty younger siblings that you couldn’t stay mad at because they were so cute.

 He really wondered what he had to go back to if he rejected Dimitri. The lonely existence of solitary living compared to waking up next his man every morning and going to sleep next to him every night. That was what he wanted and needed and if it took losing his human life to have this man forever then so be it. The pros far outweighed the cons. Dimitri gave him everything he needed, even things he never thought he could ever have. With his mind made up he shot up from the bed and grabbed the robe Gustav always had ready for him at the end of the bed. Tying the sash as he made his way to the door, he wondered where in this mammoth of a house Dimitri was sleeping.

 For some reason his body took a mind of its own and his feet carried him down the ornate spiral stairs to the first floor and towards the kitchen, he turned down the hall by the kitchen and he passed several closed doors before he came to a stop outside of one at the end of the hall. He was  turning the knob when someone clearing their throat caught his attention and he turned to face the burning black gaze of a half dressed Stavos standing in front of a open door further up the hall, his huge arms crossed over his massive naked chest, and his silky pajama pants hanging real low on his hips.

 “Be sure Caleb, for you have the power to utterly destroy him if you make this choice then go back on your decision.” Stavos warned the young man.

 Caleb stood up straighter and faced Stavos full on, his gaze never wavering from the bottomless black eyes staring back at him. “I am sure that I can’t live without him, and I love him.  Simple and plain, I love him.”

Rescue Me (Vampire BoyxBoy)**Vamps Book 1**Where stories live. Discover now