(5) A Challenge?!

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"Tch." I scoffed. "Try me."

Just who does this girl think she is?! Beat me?! ME?! I'LL SHOW HER!

I got on my heels ready to charge at her just as the late bell rang.

"DAMMIT." I grumbled. Why now of all times?!

I reluctantly returned to my seat, feet propped up on the table, and airpods in one ear, waiting for that lazy old man to get out of his sleeping bag and teach us. He got up, slowly rubbed his eyes and then scrambled through his duffel bag for a textbook.

"Attention students. For today's class we....." his words drowned out in my sea of thoughts. I couldn't focus on him at all. The only thing I could focus on was that damn new girl.

First, in the hallway she made eye contact with me and still was the only girl who walked by me as if nothing happened, and now she thinks she can challenge me?! Does she not know who I am?! Hell, I could blow her to bits in less than a second!

I continue to glare at her as she speaks to Jiro. She notices this and turns her seat around to face me. "Do we have a problem?" she asks, but it doesn't really sound like she cares about what my answer is. I scoff and look away.

"Yeah...that's what I thought." she responds. At this point I'm furious. "EXCUSE ME EXTRA?! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?! WHO GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT." She rolls her eyes. "Gosh, would you stop acting like you're better than everyone else. You're a normal high school student just like us. Now can you please shut up and pay attention?! Jeez." she says clearly annoyed.

"WHAT?!" I jolted out of my seat and yanked her up by the collar. "I DARE YOU TO SAY THAT AGAIN."

"Fine I will. Let me repeat myself so that idiotic brain of yours actually learns something. You. Are. Just. A. Normal. High School. Student. Learn your place." she scoffs as she brushes my hand off.

Everyone looks scared, afraid to break up the argument. After all, we are like 2 lions fighting for King of the Jungle. "You do it!" "No you!" You hear loud whispers from your classmates.

What wusses. At least this girl has some balls.

Our argument gets more and more heated as we continue to yell back and forth--- until someone decides to finally but in.

"Bakubro! Y/n! Calm down!" Kirishima yells. "NO! STAY OUT OF THIS SHARKBOY!" we both glare at him and yell back in unison. Kirishima and Denki try to hold us back as we start shouting curses at each other. "Son of a---"

"Will you guys shut up and just go take your shit outside in the courtyard. Training was supposed to start 10 minutes ago." Mr. Aizawa says irritably.

We follow him into the courtyard. "Here will be today's sparring pairs. Denki and Jiro. Kirishima and Mina. Todoroki and Momo.....and of course, Y/n and Bakugo."

He looks directly at Y/n and says "Y/n, this training section will be used to gauge your abilities, and how well you can fight. Please take this seriously and go all out."

She smirked at his words. Just what is this girl thinking about right now. You couldn't deny...she was somewhat...interesting. But hmm let's see if she was just all talk.

I get into a ready position as I listen for Mr. Aizawa's countdown.

"On your marks....get set...

"Don't be surprised when I beat you." she says. "Tch, as if." I roll my eyes. "And I'm not gonna go easy on you just because you're a girl."

She smirks back. "I wouldn't dream of it you angry pomeranian."

For some reason her answer makes me grin.


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