(77) 16+ Chapter

821 16 2

(I hope the people who asked me to make one of these are happy... it's not the kind of chapter I feel comfy with..but anything for you guys 😞🫶 And sorry this took a while I didn't have much time and I was debating whether or not to accept the request. Anyways, enjoy>)


I was under some sort of spell. Was it her scent? I couldn't tell. But either way, I was hooked.

Before my mind could process what I was doing, I pinned her down on the bed, trapping her with my thighs in between her leg.

"Y/n..can you handle me..?"

Her eyes widened and her cheeks reddened. "W-What do you mean.. of course I can..idiot.. what do you think I've been doing for the past half a year.." I flicked her forehead. "Tch..I meant in the near future...dumbass.."

"Oh," She caressed the sides of my face while I shrugged. "..I'm possessive, selfish, hot-headed, sensitive, stubborn, reckless, arrogant, and pessimistic...but you know that already." "True.." Her eyes shone brightly with conviction. "Still, it's the part of you I'm used to..the parts of you I've come to love. So yeah, I'll always be able to handle you.. Suki." I chuckled and lowered my head. "Brave words for a short teddy bear don't you think?" She bit her lip. "Wha?"

"Pftt" I couldn't help but love that look on her face as she tugged at the blonde strands in the back of my head, massaging my exposed neck. "Damn you.." I immediately melted and rested my head and hands on her soft chest before taking a deep anxious breath, caressing the sides of her hips, hovering over her for a moment.
My girlfriend is stunning...holy fucking crap...

"Suki..." A smirk spread against my lips as she closed her eyes and I traced her jawline stealing her lips for a kiss. Only this one was different, it was hot and breathy, soft and moist and I couldn't bring myself to stop.

I was addicted already.

If you were to ask me what happened next, I'm not sure I'd be able to tell you.


"*ring, ring* I jerked my head up to my phone that was vibrating on the bed. Bakugo growled "don't answer it" but I protested.."it could be something important.." I reached for my phone while his large veiny hands tried hard to force my hands down. I rolled my eyes and accepted the call though I found it hard to ignore him since he was laying on me. "H-Hello? Who's this?" A well recognized voice replied. "Hey Y/n. This is Midnight, from the hero agency. We have to talk to you and Bakugo about something important, when are you free?" Bakugo, who was now getting impatient, bit my neck, successfully getting me to moan into the speaker. "Mmhhh~ Oh my god..s-sorry about that! I've had a h-headache all day and my head just randomly started b-beating.." I glared daggers at him as he cutely stroked my face. "We're available tomorrow a-at 2..! B-Bye!"

"YOU!!" I quickly hung up the phone, threw it across the room and turned to face Bakugo. "Are you fucking serious?! That was so goddamn embarrassing..!" He kissed my forehead. "Are you mad?" I averted my eyes and bit my lip. "Ah..I see.." I heard his voice trail off as I caught a glimpse of his blood crimson eyes. I blinked hard. They were a darker shade of red. Lust.

My eyes widened. Fuck.

He disappeared under the covers mumbling a sentence while his eyes glowed brighter.

"I was wondering.. how long do you think you can hold back from me..?" "Wha?" He emerged from under the covers.

"Suki..?" As I spoke from underneath him, he looked me up and down with a rare type of smirk on his face. Suddenly, by his hands our clothes were thrown around the room and for the first time we saw each other bare.

"..why don't we test it out..."

I bent my head back while he explored my body.

The sensation I felt was beyond the limited capacities of a dictionary.

He started by pressing his lips with mine, forcing his tongue into my mouth as he spread my legs further apart, occupying my lower hole with his twirling fingers. My cheeks reddened and I moaned passionately.

"You like that?" My inability to resist made his smirk widen as I squirmed underneath him and he rocketed into me.

His abs..his toned body looked perfect from the position I was in. "Y/n?" I reached for his boxers and lowered my gaze... whoa. He was THICK and hard. How long is it... 10? 20 inches? Must be a world record.. holy fucking shitt. I gulped, watching the white liquid dripping onto my hand.

His knees weakened. "What the..." his face was red and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. I giggled and continued to pump it with my hand until his eyes met mine. "Hah~ h-how are you~ so g-good at that~" he lost all resolve— making it easy for me to flip him over.

My vision blurred and I slowly disappeared under the covers, attaching my mouth onto his dripping member, sucking him off for all he was worth. I moaned all over him while he twitched and thrust back and forth into my mouth.

The last thing I remember was staring up at the ceiling in his revealing hand-picked pajamas when we finished, after he changed the sheets, my head buried in his comfy chest, him cuddled up in my arms while my thumb stroked his spine.

He kissed me softly. "It's really late and we're already going to be sore in the morning. We have the meeting.." He squeezed my hand. "Goodnight princess." My eyes slowly widened."..night Suki.."

This man never fails to impress me.


As I wrapped my leg around hers, I couldn't help but feel safe in her arms and her arms alone. I cuddled into a ball underneath her. The roles were usually switched but today I'm glad they weren't. I needed that. I needed her love, warmth, affection, touch, and her smile.

The feeling of her with me tonight was a feeling I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to forget.

I ran my hand through my hair. Sometimes I forget how good of a girlfriend I have..

I'll start closing the gap in my heart with her..the girl I'm madly in love with. Maybe this is what I needed.. something like a storm to take me by my hand and tell me, "it's okay."

Once I was sure that she was asleep, I whispered in her ear, "I love you so much fucking more than you think." And with that thought I fell right asleep, entangled with her.

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