Chapter 23: Back On Track

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No matter how serious life gets, you'll always have your Best Friend to get stupid with.

Chapter 23 : Back On Track

I was tired and worn out the next day when the sun rays began poking my eyes without any mercy. The few hours of sleep that I had gotten had exhausted me even more. It was as if someone had sucked out the little energy I possessed the previous day.

Pushing my drained body, I got off the bed to go shower. I grabbed the first thing I saw and went inside for a relaxing shower. The events of yesterday created a hurricane inside my mind as I tried to rinse out all these dreadful thoughts.

The one image that was scratching the back of my mind like a nail on the chalk board, was Aaron's distraught face when I had shouted at him. Never in my life I had ever yelled at him this bad.

But what could I even do?

I was terribly hurt too. Weren't best friends supposed to be honest with each other?

Shaking my head to kick out these thoughts, I let the warm water relax me. After a long shower, I got out and dressed in a baggy, old tshirt and pants. But before I could go back to sulking on my bed, something caught my eye.

I opened my closet and clutched the shiny blue material hanging loosely from one of the shelves. I pulled it out from the mess of clothes and stared.

It was a dress.

How long had it been since I wore anything above my knees?

Hell, I hadn't even worn proper shorts since years.

I touched the soft blue material that flowed into a beautiful skirt and was lined with white and navy beads on the waist. The upper half of the dress was made of a shiny white material that could out the twinkling of stars to shame.

I ran my hands up and down the piece of clothing. It wasn't that I didn't like the idea of wearing dresses. Infact, almost every girl does like to wear a dress once in a while. Every girl wants to look good for something or the other, at least once.

I had bought so many dresses over the years, with the idea of wearing them. But every single time I tried to dress up, the haunting paranoia would knock off the thought of wearing it from my mind.

The thought equally annoyed me as it scared me. The dreadful 'what if's' didn't leave my mind.

I carried the dress in front of my dressing table and stood with it in front of the mirror. I put the dress against my body and looked in the mirror. The dress fell till my mid-thigh.

The longing to wear the dress soon changed into anger. Anger towards Shelly, her group of minions and all those people who've taken pleasure by bullying people. Especially in Gradient High.

Being a nerd was never a bad thing. Infact, people who chose to be nerds are the people I adore. I was never a hard core study addict. Though I did wish I could sometimes be one. But I also wanted to enjoy life without being judged.

The Citrus Group has destroyed the school life of many, including me. And this was the last year where in we could live a somewhat protected life. And the popular group was taking it away from us.

But they weren't the only ones I was mad at. I was mad at myself for letting them do it. What the hell was I even doing with my life? Was I going to be a scaredy cat my whole life?

Hell, I was pushing away the only people in my life that had tried to help me. And for whom? Those selfish snobs? I was giving them the permission of killing my self esteem. I was the one letting them be satisfied with what they were doing with me.

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