Chapter 24: Oxygen Hydrogen Carbon Radium Phosphorous

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Dedicated to @wickedkillerwolf and @blacktigerscool for your constant support. This update is for you guys. Keep smiling 😊 (though I'm not sure if I tagged your name properly)

(Ali's outfit above)

Best Friends are the only ones who can tell what're you thinking by your facial expressions.

Chapter 24: Oxygen Hydrogen Carbon Radium Phosphorous.

Deep breath.

In. Out.

Another one.

In. Out.

That was practically what I had been doing for the past five minutes.

Yesterday, I had tried every single mode possible to reach out to Aaron but he was ignoring me. My heart still squeezed at the thought of not being able to talk to him at all.

"Whatever you do, you're not backing out," Sam said, from beside me.

"Let me breathe woman. I'm not planning to back out," I told her, while every inch of my nerves was reacting in the opposite way.

"You sure?"


"Sorry," she replied, sheepishly.

I clutched the pen drive in my hand, along with my guitar. Yeah, you thought right.

I was trying to not back out of the idea of participating in the competition. 'Trying' being the key word.

Yesterday, after verbally throttling myself, I decided that the only way I could put my plan into action was through this competition.

If you thought that for winning back Candy, I was just going to participate, you're wrong 'cause the competition is only a medium through which I could do what I wanted to prove what he means to me.

So here I was, in a secluded area behind the stage, not trying to let the amount of people in the audience scare the poop out of me.

It had taken a lot of sneaky jumping, tip-toeing and hiding to get to the backstage unnoticed.

I didn't want to encounter any of the goons just in case they decided that I was a good laughing stock for everyone.

As far as I knew, for them, I was not going to be participating today. That made the attention wear of me, temporarily.

I knew that even though I was attention free right now, I would have the attention of every single person when I went on stage.

I even knew that I would be laughed at since the incident that happened wasn't very long ago. Hell it was just the day before.

"Don't think too much. You just need to think of Aaron. No one or nothing else. You have the pen drive, right?" Sam confirmed as I nodded.

The thing was, since it was already the level one of the competition, the participant had to not only sing a song, but he/she had to make a presentation related to the two songs that were to be performed as well.

Like what Shelly was doing. She was performing something like 'Single Ladies' by Beyoncé and you could guess what her presentation was about.

It was necessary for the presentation to be related to you, so she, from what I heard, was performing the dance similar to the one in the music video, in the presentation.

"You ready?" Nate came out of nowhere, making me jump in surprise.

"Uh, no?" I answered, my nerves taking the best of me.

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