Aaron's POV (Part two)

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Aaron's POV (Part 2)

I was sulking in my room, the hurt never leaving me. I wanted to go console Ali but I knew that it wasn't a rational decision.

A ray of hope lit up inside me when I heard the doorbell ring. If it was Muffin on the door, I'd tell her about my Friday's too. About why I'd been missing out on the movie nights.

But my ray of hope disappeared when I heard,"Oh Aary!!"

I slumped back on my bed, a frown pasted upon my face.

What the hell was she doing here?

I put my head in my hands as I heard the clicks of her heels coming closer.

"Oh Baby, I missed you! Where were you?" She stood in front of me.

I looked up to see Shelly wearing a pout, trying to be adorable.

I rolled my eyes.

"I wasn't feeling well," I answered telling her half of the truth.

"I know what will make you feel better," she said, a sparkle lighting up her eyes.

Nothing can make me feel better right now.

"Guess what? Ryan, you remember him, right? The one who was after me for so long to throw a party, well, he's holding one now. Today at 7:00. What do you say?"

"Shelly I-," I was cut off when my phone started playing 'Wanted' by Hunter Hayes.

My eyes widened as I searched for my phone frantically. That ringtone was only for one person.

After finally finding it, I hastily swiped the answer button and answered.

"A-Ali? Oh my god. I'm so so sorry. I didn't know how this all happened-," before I could explain myself, Shelly wrapped her arms around me and started her own whining.

I muttered a few cuss words before returning to the call.

"Ali, you there?"

I heard her saying something before Shelly snatched my phone and pressed the 'hold' button.

Anger filled me along with frustration.

"What the hell are you doing?" I yelled as I reached for my phone. She moved aside and knocked the glass of juice all over me.

Her eyes widened as she looked at my drenched shirt. I took the opportunity and snatched my phone back.

I removed the hold and tried to speak into the phone when Shelly again started snatching the phone.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I shouted, really angry.

If had enough. What the hell was she trying to do anyway?

"Baby, let's just forget about it and enjoy ourselves at Ryan's party. Remember the last two Friday's? That was so much fun and this will be even better," she cooed, trying to come to me, but I stepped back.

Clenching my jaw, I turned my attention to the phone. I paled as I realised that I had removed it from hold.

That meant Ali heard the whole thing about the last two Friday's.

I tried calling out to her through the phone but I got no answer.


I ended the call and tried several times. Each time praying that she'd pick up. But it was useless. She didn't pick up.

Maybe, just maybe the signal was bad and it got cut off by mistake.

I knew it was false hope, but that's what kept me standing.

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