Chapter 17: Confusing Confusion

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Sometimes your Best Friends lie to you. It's not because they don't think your worth it, it's because sometimes, YOU are more important than the Truth....<3

Chapter 17: Confusing Confusion

I glared at the speaker as if it would take my name back. I half expected someone to pop inside the class and shout "Ha! You've been fooled!". Honestly that would have been a lot more relieving. But as I stared at the speaker that had gone silent, nothing happened.

I was sure that it was my name that had been called since I could practically feel the not-so subtle glares of some of the rejected Participants had been directing towards me since my name was called. I turned a little to see Shelly smirking. She must be thinking about the humiliation I was in for especially if she was my competitor. Not to forget the fact that she was out for blood, which I had a feeling would be mine.

But I was confused. How did I manage to get selected when I never even auditioned? It had to be some kind of mistake. No one else did know that I sang except Sam and Candy.

I could deny all I wanted, but I knew that there was a tiny part of me that was happy on being selected. That part of me was delighted at the fact of singing again. But the major part reminded me of just one word that drowsed my happiness. The same nine letter word that I dreaded.


Just like if you have a bad experience, let's say if you were bitten by a dog when you were small, you get a little phobia of dogs as you grow up. You might not want to go near a dog ever again because it reminds you of the traumatic experience you suffered from when you were a kid.

It's the same with me and attention. I tend to get paranoid when I attract even a bit of attention.

"Hey, you alright?" Someone asked and I turned my head to see the new comer with a questioning glint in his eye.
I gave him a slight nod and resumed glaring at nothing in particular.

I had a slight idea about the culprit behind this. It had to be Candy or Sam. They were the only ones who wanted me to participate so desperately in the Hunt.

As soon as the bell rang, I bolted out of the class, without sparing even a single glance to anyone. It might've seemed rude of me to leave the class without saying anything to the Brit boy but I was more eager to catch hold of my best friends.

I bolted towards my locker and pushed my books inside. I waited for Sam to show up by the locker.

After a few minutes, I saw the auburn haired girl coming in my direction. She seemed excited about something since she was supporting a huge smile and was skipping.

The moment she caught my eye, I expected her to bolt out of there in horror but to my surprise, she squealed and came running towards me. I was startled as se engulfed me into a massive bear hug.

"I'm way too happy today," she sang as she let go of me.

"And may I ask the reason behind your excitement?" I asked eyeing her suspiciously

She gave me a confused look but it morphed into the previous one just as soon as it came.
"Well, first of all YOU GOT SELECTED!!! And I wanted to be mad about the fact that you never told me that you actually auditioned, but I couldn't since you're my bestie" she started rambling.

"Wait a minute. What you mean to say is that you didn't get me into this competition?" I asked, trying to see if she was lying or not.

She seemed confused at my question. "What do you mean?"

I sighed. "Sam, I didn't enter the competition. In fact I never auditioned," I told her, leaning onto my locker.

"What? But your name was announced as a finalist. Wasn't it?"

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