Alyssa in the House

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If you got a notification of Chapter 37, it's NOT yet written. Instead I hope you all enjoy this... (The whole thing is not an A/N)

Thanks to @outinsider for making me four lovely banners (Wattpad allows to put one image only so I couldn't put all of them) they're amazing <3

A special thanks to @_TravellingThoughts_ for the current (new) cover of TIBF.

And A MASSIVE THANKS to all those who wished me. I wanted to reply to all of you but wattpad didn't let me 😕

Anyways, HAPPY NEW YEAR. May it bring lots and lots of happiness in the lives of your family as well as you❤️❤️

Hey Cookies!!

(Gosh I really am going to think of some other name because this just makes me think of a large chocolate chip cookie {big enough to fit in both your hands} with liquid chocolate oozing out from a few places and with bits of chunky brownie and tons of chocolate chips covered with melted chocolate)

So now you understand my misery.

Anyways, I know I'm being a really bad author with so many stupid authors notes and all.

And I know that you all want to chuck tomatoes at me for being annoying and all.... But I warned you all.

To be honest, I'd really request you all not to expect much from me these three months. (January, February and March)

Yes, I have exams again (I told you my school's cray-cray). But still I'm giving you a short cute post with Alyssa and Aaron answering the questions you all asked.

I'm NOT saying that I won't update at all in these three months, I'm just saying that my updates won't be fast enough.

Since I'm really tensed about my interview and entrance tests (in Feb) I'll be focussing more on it than writing because I really want to get into the uni I'm aiming for.

And if (some) you guys start to accuse me with 'you could've written a chapter instead', I'd like to ask you:

What do you prefer-

1) A Super-crappy chapter (with no cute moments between Cuffin)

2) A short and a cute post like this

3) No update at all -.-

And since I'd already started with this, might as well finish it.

Okay, so now since that's done,

Here they we go.

Author: Hey yo pretty people. First of all, Happy New Year!! I hope it goes well for all of you and may you all prosper this year. I hope-

Alyssa: *whispers* I don't think she's introducing us any time soon.

Aaron:*whispers back* Me neither.

Author: -and you all be happy no matter what happens. So before Alyron starts insulting me behind my back-which technically is not behind my back- BECAUSE I CAN HEAR YOU BOTH! *glares at both*

The Invisible Best FriendsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz