Chapter 28: Sugar Rush

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(I bet half of you didn't even read the A/N in the last chapter. If you did, well this information is for you lovely people: the details will be posted after this chapter as a new part, solely for this thing)

(Dedicated to  Bekahlynn77 )


Nothing compares to the stomach aches we get by laughing with our Best Friends <3

Chapter 28: Sugar Rush

I kept replaying the small gestures Candy displayed today, in my head. It was around eleven o'clock at night and my thoughts were not letting me sleep.

Was he doing it deliberately?

Oh who am I kidding? It was 110% deliberate. Especially that peck on the cheek.

I crossed my arms, annoyed.

I wasn't annoyed at the peck or the secret comments he passed. They were kind of nice-oh God .

I was annoyed at the fact that I got flustered every time he did that. I mean why was I even getting flushed?

These were normal gestures that best friends did, right?

So why on this cake-eating planet did I enter my 'Tomato Phase' when he was around me like that?

Getting frustrated with my thoughts, I jumped up from my bed and walked towards the washroom for a nice shower.

Maybe water could help wash away the confusion.

With that thought in mind, I walked towards my cupboard to collect my clothes.

I pulled out a t-shirt that read 'Ms. Lazy Ass' and grabbed my sweatpants from the cupboard.

Or at least what I thought were sweatpants.

In my hand, right now we're black shorts. Shorts that I had no idea I even owned.

(Reminder: Alyssa has not worn anything that reaches above her knees since her incident)

I made a move to grab my sweatpants when I paused.

I really wanted to try them. There was no one here and I could at least try to wear them.

Feeling a bit giddy at that thought, I entered the washroom.

I had always envied the girls who wore shorts confidently in the school hallways. And no, I'm not just talking about the trashy ones.

There were so many girls who carried themselves normally with shorts while I stuck to jeans and leggings.

It's not that I couldn't. It's just just that every time I tried to wear things like shorts and skirts, I got paranoid and kept thinking about everyone staring and judging.

I took a relaxing shower, letting my thoughts drown in the warm water that caressed my skin.

Once I was satisfied, I got out and put on my t-shirt and finally the shorts. The black shorts came up to my mid-thigh, exposing the rest of my leg.

One thing I realised as I wore these shorts was how relieving it was, wearing them. The cool air-conditioned air touched my legs like a feather, giving me some relief from the jeans and sweatpants I usually wore.

I examined myself in the mirror, a smile etching in my face. I looked good.

My legs looked longer and my natural light tan made my legs look bold.

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