Chapter 32

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*Both were enjoying Cornetto*

Yoongi: Y/n imagine if I have to go away from you, will our love change?

Y/n: First tell me why are you asking this.

Yoongi: just like this.

Y/n: Why will it change? Our love is not dependent on terms and conditions.

Yoongi: Means nothing will change right.?

Y/n: No nothing will change, I loved you, this is not a contract which will change from time to time. Now tell me why are you asking?

Yoongi: Nothing... there is a Cornetto chocolate on your lips. Remove it.

Y/n: Why should I do it?

Yoongi: means?

Y/n: u don't watch movies, stupid? Come and kiss me.

Yoongi: are you mad? What if someone sees us?

Y/n: Shut up... Nobody will.

Yoongi: no.

Y/n: I will force myself on u then again.

Yoongi: hahahahaha you are cracked.

Y/n: Are you doing it or not?

*Y/n pull him towards her with the collar of Yoongi *

Yoongi: No.

Y/n: ok, I'm going to Jammu tomorrow keep celebrating my birthday alone.

Yoongi: haaaawww such a big threat.

Y/n: well u leave me no choice.

*Yoongi starts coming close Y/n *

Yoongi: How will you leave me? I won't let you go.

Y/n: I will go u see.

Yoongi: sssssshhhhhhhhh.

* Smooch *

*Y/n have kept her eyes down and blushing. Yoongi kisses the forehead of Y/n*

Yoongi: Kissing here is better. I have the whole life to do the rest.

Y/n: I love you stupid.

Yoongi: I love u too mine Queen.

*Both finish their cornetto. Y/n goes back home and sleeps in the room and Yoongi also goes away from there*


*5 6 days everyday Yoongi gifted Y/n something different, sometimes teddy sometimes crown and many more *

*09 April 9 am. Y/n calls Yoongi *

Y/n: Hello Yoongi

Yoongi: Hello my Queen.

Y/n: What happened? Today no 7 am?

Yoongi: ops sorry Y/n I have important work. Now I have to go to (City).

Y/n: Wow, why?

*Yoongi had to go for the work-related shifting to (whatever Country u prefer) *

Yoongi: Nothing my father has some work there so he asks me to come with him. I am so sorry Queen.

Y/n: Are you going now?

*Y/n gets sad but she doesn't show*

Yoongi: yeah.

Y/n: When will you come back?

Yoongi: 12 or 13.

Y/n: Yoongi, do you know what you are saying?

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