Starved, Bitten, Eaten, Gone; Episodes 1-3

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(A/N: The trigger warnings in the description really matter in this story! Please read them if you haven't before continuing! Thank you!! I'm also pretty sure after publishing this I'll find a thousand spelling errors and writing errors, lol

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(A/N: The trigger warnings in the description really matter in this story! Please read them if you haven't before continuing! Thank you!! I'm also pretty sure after publishing this I'll find a thousand spelling errors and writing errors, lol. Anyway, trigger warnings are very important in this story. Okay, now I'll stop holding you up from reading about objects starving to death. Carry on, and be careful!!)

Episodes 1-3; Moldy's pov:

"Oh! I'm SO sorry! Well you seriously think I'm gonna believe you?! I hope you rot in a dumpster you filthy peice of gaaarrrr...." I pause as I look around.
One second I'm arguing with Parker freaking Robins, the next I'm in the middle of nowhere.
"What the... AAAGH!"
That's when a freaking backpack knocks me to the ground. I stand up and brush myself off, my head throbbing. Thats gonna bruise. I look around and see there are many people. A soda bottle, a backpack, a scented candle, a magazine, a tomato- That's when I hear
"HELLO CONTESTANTS. Oops. Sorry. Is this better?"
What the heck.
"Hello contestants. I am your host, airy. And welcome to this competition. Called one..." "Airy" says. Horrible music plays. After people try and ask him why we're here but to no avail, he says that we will all compete for a prize. Which is a wish for anything... Immortality, riches- and that's where I stopped paying attention. Heck yeah, I'll compete! I'm gonna get the money for my mold treatment! And I don't need anyone's help in doing so! That's when he gives us new names. Mine is moldy.
"Hmpf. Creative." I smirk. The soda bottle gives me a glare.
That's when poles start to fall from the sky.
"Woah!" The magazine exclaims.
I'm looking up when I hear a crunch at my feet and when I look down the baby tomato is in pieces, dead.
And then a giggle.
That frickin baby is at my feet, well and healthy.
"What in the world?!" The backpack yells.
"Oh. Yeah. I revived him. Or... respawned him is a better term." Airy explains he can respawn people. The heck.
"Oh and the challenge will start soon. Three, two, one, go.." that fricking Airy adds.
We are all suddenly atop the poles and tomato repeatedly falls. Blah blah blah. Backpack breaks his leg. I'm safe from elimination, tomato is eliminated.
As long as I'm safe, I don't really care who is eliminated at this point. I just want this competition to get over soon. Speaking of getting the competition over soon, I'm starving. I was about to make lunch when Parker so "kindly" dropped by. But there's not that much eliminations left so it will be over soon, right- oh, nevermind. There are more freaking contestants. But hey, after that challenge magazine is elimainated! I'm starting to get really hungry... but I'll win and get home soon! So it's getting close-
Nevermind again.
There are more freaking contestants.
But... just before the third competition I'm so starving I can't handle it. Everything is beginning to slow down.
Abstracty moves to me.
"Hi. I'm Charlotte. I'm a moldy piece of bread and I'm hungry." Abstracty mimics.
I don't move.
"I insult people to improve my self image and I've manipulated people on many occasions."
I go to punch it but my hand limply falls. I'm sooo hungry...
"I'm compulsively violent. And starving! So much that I'll-"
"Oh. And you have to split into teams..." airy begins.
I start to tune him out and I look at everyone I've known the longest and they seem to be just as or around the same amount of being hungry that I am... I can barely think straight. I look around for any possible source of food and see none. Circle walks over to me.
"Wanna be on the same team?" I ask, my voice somewhat scratchy. Darn, I haven't had anything to drink in a while too.
"I... don't want to compete again. But..." he looks at Abstracty. "I'll join your team."
Subway seat and Whippy creamy come over, aperantly having the same idea as circle. And then we're a team. I look at Whippy creamy... whipped cream isn't filling, nor will it even feel like any food but... I look at airline food across this wasteland and my mouth begins to water. Food. I'm snapped out of my trance when airy announces the challenge. What was wrong with me?! Cannibalism... why would that thought even cross my mind?!
"The challenge is to uh... walk to the tree and back. Three two one go." Airy says.
I hate having to not compete but I ask circle to do it and he agrees. When I look around, I notice that airline food is all sealed and it would take an effort to open him. But... now there's no food source- ugh! Those freaking cannibalistic thoughts... why are they here? I definitely wouldn't do anything like that though. But where do I find a non-living food source?
"where... is... a... food..." I try to say but it's scratchy, I realize I'm dehydrated as well... great. Now I'm hungry and thirsty. I look around for a non-living, why do I need to even specify, food source. I... don't see any... I look over at scenty's team to see her staring at me. Her eyes wide and mouth open. She's drooling or something- Which is when I realize. I'm a frickin slice of bread. There's one side with mold but the other is fine. I'M the food source. I realize I'm alone, meaning Whippy creamy and subway seat left me. I feel like every step scenty takes toward me takes an hour. I'm starving. I don't care what I eat at this point but I need to eat something. I'd hate to become a cannibal but I'm desperate at this point. When I look up, scenty is in front of me. Are scented candles edible?
I suddenly feel immense pain in my head. I scream but it's scratchy.
I feel teeth gnawing into my head and I scream more. Suddenly my eye freaking hurts, it hurts so fricking bad.
I can't see anymore. But the pain is still there.
I scream and scream and scream.
Suddenly, I cough and cough and my vision returns. Everything is red and I'm coughing up blood.

Everything hurts...

And then it doesn't.

I lay there on my back, everything bathed red, and I... feel no pain.

There's a loud humming noise as I see backpack leaning over me.

He looks like he's yelling but I can't hear anything.

I try to speak but I can't.

I feel no pain.

And now that I realize it, I can't feel anything either.

My whole body is numb.

I try to speak, I don't feel my mouth open.

"What... is... happening....."

Backpack continues to say something.

All I hear is my ears ringing.

I can barely think....


Take a

Everything fades to white.

(A/N: noooooo! Moldy!!! I hope you like this first chapter thing. Anywho, that was only episodes 1, 2, and 3. I wonder what will happen next... also do you like what I did with the title? It's like those sour patch kids candies that are like "sour, sweet, gone"? Except it's "Starved, Bitten, Eaten, Gone" for Moldy/Charlotte! Okay, I'm gonna go now- bye! Tune back in later to see who will resort to cannibalism next!  As I would say irl, "I'm slightly concerned-")

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