Fishbowl 2018

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My Synopsis: A story about 3 sisters coping with the death of their mother and their father's guilt of what happened. The girls are named Belle, played by Belle Shickl, Rachel played by Emily Peachey, and Jessa played by Caroline Coleman. They are high school student going to a strict Catholic School. They each have their own hardships. Belle is struggling in school, Rachel lost all her friends, and Jessa no longer speaks to anyone and communicates using a pen and paper. All these are due to the fact their father is a jobless alcoholic while caused the death of their mother. Their father, Rick played by Rick Kain becomes obsessed with the thought of there being a rapture in the upcoming new year because he started watching a televangelist and if you know anything about televangelist they are scammers. He uses all their savings to buy all his tapes, he puts their house for sale, he refuses to feed his daughters, he makes them throw away all their "sinful" possessions is: make up, hair tools, things that belonged to their mother etc, and makes them go door to door to spread the message of there being a rapture and for their neighbors to repent for their sins. This all results in them being shunned by their peers.

My thoughts: I hate their dad, this reinforces my hate for televangelist, and I felt so sad for these girls. They were abused for months and no one did anything. They were shamed, theatened and punished beyond any reasonable understanding and it's just sad. I was happy for them at the end, and hoped the best for the girls.

Official Synopsis: It is 1999 in Bishop, a small town filled with secrets. Three sisters, Belle, Rachel, and Jessa are trying to cope with the absence of their mother and maintain a normal life. Silently repressing them is Rick, their damaged father who, adrift himself, is growing increasingly obsessed with the rapture that he believes is imminent. With home anything but a refuge, the sisters must cling to one another to survive.

Rotten tomatoes score: there is no critic score Audience Score:50%

IMDb score: 4.6/10

My Score: ★★★

Where to find: Tubi, Amazon Prime, and Apple TV

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