Baby Love 1969

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My Synopsis: A tragic story about a tragic girl. Luci played by Linda Hayden is a 15 year old girl who lost her mother to suicide, I later found out she committed suicide because she had cancer. Before she died, she wrote a letter to an old friend Robert Quayles played by Keith Barron to ask if he'll take care of Luci. It's implied that Robert is Luci's dad, or got her mom pregnant and she got an abortion after he abandoned her. So naturally Luci blames him for her death. It doesn't help that he avoids any questions she asks about him and her mother for some sort of closure and he constantly shuts her down. In turn she gets closer to his wife Amy played by Ann Lynn who is implied to have taken advantage of Luci. They do not show anything outright, it's only heavily implied and confirmed by the end. Their son Nick played by Derek Lamden also takes a liking to Luci, and not in a cute crush kind of way, more of a creepy, entitled peeping Tom kind of way. So basically the whole family mistreats, and takes advantage of Luci just like how men took advantage of her mother. Though Luci isn't entirely innocent, she is still a child and they are all adults or boarder lining adulthood.

My Thoughts: I actually liked this movie. It reminds me of Lolita and Poison Ivy. There is no real resolution, the family is just kind of stuck with Luci in the end because she can ruin their lives. I think this is one of the earliest movies that used the Lolita formula.

Official Synopsis: Poor Luci, she is a 15 year old English schoolgirl about to embark on a promising career as the high-school mattress when she comes home one day from school to find her Mum as dead as a door knob in the tub. You see her Mum has cut her wrists after a long unrewarding career as the town mattress. Fortunately for Luci, her Mum's childhood friend is now a very successful upper-middle class doctor who has decided to take Luci home to his family (on a trial basis). Luci's new family (The Quayles) has a few issues. The father's libedo is on the wane and he has a stick permanently stuck up his butt. The mother was "convent schooled" and misses the good old days of snuggling up with a pretty young girl. The son is an amateur peeper without the libedo problem but also with a stick up his butt. Luci arrives in the midst of all this with her one suitcase, a bit unbalanced from her mother's recent suicide, and does everything she can to fit in with her new family - more or less

Rotten tomatoes score: this movie is not on Rotten Tomatoes

IMDb score: 5.7/10

My score: ★★★★

Where to find: GoMovies, Fmoviesgo and other sites you watch free movies.

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