" For a while...i was on my own..a scared little 12 year"

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(Mckenna's Pov)

It was just a normal school day for us. I had separate classes from the others, They were on a different 8th grade team. I was finished with my test in class. so while waiting for others to be done i was doodling on a blank paper i had. But then suddenly, the power goes out through the entire school. I hear students scream in the halls. The teacher tried calming the students in the room down. I didn't know what was going on. It had to be a part of the massacre....I sigh. Suddenly the school fire alarm goes off. It was quite confusing. Everyone in the classroom left, but they left me behind i sigh. I go to open the door. It was locked. I begin to panic. I take a paper clip from the teachers desk. i attempt to pick the lock. it doesn't work. i sigh. I then hear a bang on the door. I jump in fear. I quickly go in the supplies closet and hide. I hear the banging get louder. I cover my mouth just incase they hear my breathing. I then hear the glass from the door's window break. I jump in fear again. I hear the sound of someone lock picking a door. then i hear the sound of the door open. I hear footsteps. I close my eyes. praying it's just someone who's apart of the staff. But then...i just hear a familar British accent...go on rambling. It sounded like Mr. Aprilson...It concerned me. it had to be him. i listen carefully at what he says.

Louise:...God Louise...you know you don't have to do this...you don't have to listen to him...He may be your ancestor...but you mustn't listen to him...no...it's what he wants you to do....like all your other family members did over the years....your an Aprilson for fucks sake! Aprilsons do this stuff! i've murdered half the school!...i just....i just won't kill my daughter....she needs to take my place after this....after they...give me....the death penalty...if they catch me...

I could hear Louise manically giggling. Oh god....he must of been the one who turned the power off. I hear him come near the closet. I feel butterflies down in my stomach, a chill down my spine, i could feel goosebumps all over my arms, I began shaking, The only thing that flew through my mind was...

"You Are Going To Die, Tonight."

Until...i hear a scream in the distance. I then hear Louise walk out the room. I can hear his slight footsteps, Like he was being sneaky. I sigh in relief. I slowly walk out the closet, Make sure it's safe to leave. It was. I sneak in the hall. but suddenly i trip over a dead body of a student.

Mckenna: OW!

I accidently had shouted it loudly. I then hear a little giggle come out of Louise. Oh god, he was near me in a hall. 

Louise: Oh Mckenna Sherman? Was that you? oh sweetie come here...I don't bite!

I quickly get up as quietly as i could. It was dark in the hallways. I tip toe to the wall. I lean against it. I could hear footsteps coming closer.

Louise: Come on Mckenna! Remember all the Sleep overs you had with my sweet Fiona....How i cared for all four of you girls? Just come out and i can bring you home. We wouldn't want to end up like everyone else in this school now would we? Or maybe...we don't wanna end up like carol. Car crash...and then stabbed the absolute bloody shit out of...sad isn't it. 

I hated how he talked like that. Wait...he killed Carol didn't he. I notice a brick on the floor. It was from the wall. one brick fell out, they never bother to fix it. I pick it up. I sigh.

Mckenna: Fine...Mr. Aprilson...i'll go with you...But first...find me...

I heard his footsteps.

Louise: There you are....now...once i get over to you...i'm just gonna put you to sleep...

I sigh. I hear him come over. I hit him with the brick. I hear him fall to the ground. I give him in the balls. 



I run, as i run i look behind to see Louise running after me. I get more panicky. I try to run faster, running out of breath. I knocked stuff down as i ran. I had to slow him down. It kind of worked. Suddenly i fell. I end up cutting my leg on broken glass. My leg hurt so much i couldn't get up. I see Louise come around of the corner.


Louise: Why? you scared of your best friend's father.

Mckenna: Please! don't hurt me okay!!??! Just don't hurt anyone else...don't hurt Liberty-lee...Or Fiona! PLEASE!

Louise: Mckenna...I can't just spare you....My ancestor...wouldn't be proud....Murder runs in the aprilson family because of him...

Mckenna:....You don't have to do this....Forget what your an-ancestor says....You went this far with out murdering anyone....why start now?

Louise:.....I've lost my wife...and suddenly...this cursed town....has hurt me for fucks sake....I can't even find a woman like her....I would find a woman like her to hide who i truely am....but...nobody...will ever replace...my sweet...sweet Mabel....Fiona looks so much like her....I HATE IT!...I fucking hate it....

Hearing Mr. Aprilson like this broke my heart a little. Mr. Aprilson always told me i was like the niece he's always wanted. He even said he'd be fine with me maybe being his daughter in law someday. Mr. Aprilson was kind of like a second dad for me....when my dad or mom wasn't around. I'd go to him. But...i shouldn't feel bad for him right now. HE'S TRYING TO KILL ME. I sigh.

Mckenna: Mr. Aprilson....I loved you like a dad...you were truly like a second dad to me....but...i don't think i can feel bad for doing this do you...

I took the large shard of glass out of my leg and stabbed him in the leg with it. Louise screams in pain. I get up, i ran. I was limping but it's fine...i was close to the exit. I ran out the school door. All i could see around the school and from what i saw from Mount Claire...dead bodies....children and adults....everywhere. I see the woods near the field we always did gym in. I ran to em. it was the walk path we did for nature walks...i follow the trail. I sigh. I didn't know what to do, but my leg hurt. I take a moment to sit down. I usually keep something useful on me. I look in my pockets, I feel a tiny tube. it feels like a super glue tube. I take it out. It in fact was super glue. I use it on my cut from the glass, i made the wound close. I get up. Suddenly i feel like i can walk normally again. I run out the woods, and run as far away from the school as possible. I had to find liberty-lee and Fiona. I prayed to god that they weren't dead.


"For a while...i was on my own...a scared little 12 year old...on her own, No mom...No dad...No sister, I had a hard time surviving, but i learned how to take care of wounds."

(The start of Mckenna's life during the massacre)

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