The Burying Of The Hand

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(Mason's POV)

I get out of my dad's car...I walk over to where Vladimir had been moved, I dug his grave...oh...he hasn't decayed yet....but...why is his hand decayed then? His hand was a skeleton...but not his it had not been didn't even look like he aged...If he was almost 18 in 1666...if he'd even be alive now....he'd be in his 300s.....but anyway...his body looked...peaceful...It seems...that..maybe death has been better for him...although i don't know what 1666 was like for him...i didn't even exist...i was born November 13th 2008. So that means i'm 13...Damm...Louis is older then me...mainly cause it's only June but anyway...I put the hand down on Vladimir's chest. The hand slowly turned in to a regular longer looked bruised at the end...cuts on his index finger...Why was this nose bleeds...Huh? I wipe it...i stare at the blood on my fingers....I then feel my head head goes up...Then BOOM! My vision goes eyes looked like i was siting outside somewhere....and i kept hearing a woman shout..

Juliet: VLAD!

I was severely confused...but then..i realized....maybe Vladimir was showing me....what it was like for him! Wow....I'm in the body of my dead ancestor!

Carol (Based on True EventsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum